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DJames1 2007-12-29 20:00

tcpdump user help
I would greatly appreciate it if someone who uses tcpdump successfully on their N800 could provide a brief list of steps which must be taken to do this. I have tcpdump installed and I can run it, but no supported interfaces visible. I presume I have to have root access first?

brendan 2007-12-29 20:11

Re: tcpdump user help
yes you need the becomeroot package installed. also, make sure that libpcap is installed. it is a dependent package that may not be fulfilled. not sure if that is still the case.

as with most linux apps, try the app name, in this case tcpdump, with a -h or --help parameter. you will get the most commonly used parameters and the required ones too.

delaroca 2007-12-30 03:55

Re: tcpdump user help

Originally Posted by DJames1 (Post 117420)
I would greatly appreciate it if someone who uses tcpdump successfully on their N800 could provide a brief list of steps which must be taken to do this. I have tcpdump installed and I can run it, but no supported interfaces visible. I presume I have to have root access first?

To install it, visit the Maemo 3 Bora,or Maemo 4 Chinook, SDK tools page, at and follow their download and install instructions. It will need libpcap but it will pull that in as a dependency.

For the manpage of tcpdump, try

To run it, you either switch to root mode... or you make the tcpdump binary "setuid root", ie., "chmod 4755 tcpdump." The binary is installed by default on /usr/sbin. If your WiFi interface is active when you launch tcpdump, it will start listening on the wlan0 interface automatically.

-- Denis

DJames1 2007-12-30 17:46

Re: tcpdump user help
Ok, I'm off and running, capturing packets. Thanks for the helping hand!

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