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amkaos 2008-01-18 19:06

off topic. nokia ces new product?
i am looking for the touchscreen MID that nokia showed off at ces..
not available yet.. any help here?

amkaos 2008-01-18 19:13

Re: off topic. nokia ces new product?
NM i found that it is the asus-r50a.. any thoughts abuot this? delelet if ya want no biggie

wls 2008-01-18 19:23

Re: off topic. nokia ces new product?

Originally Posted by amkaos (Post 130105)
i am looking for the touchscreen MID that nokia showed off at ces..
not available yet.. any help here?

No that was an ASUS. I don't expect to see any new Nokia announcements untill CEbit in June (?)

nikolajhendel 2008-01-18 19:31

Re: off topic. nokia ces new product?
cebit = march 4 - 9

linux_author 2008-01-18 22:51

Re: off topic. nokia ces new product?
- built-in TV tuner? i guess this product won't be for the US market then... (unless it's a digital receiver)... analog is getting shut off next year!

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