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ArnimS 2008-02-21 05:46

GemRb Development Thread
Since gemRb is very much in a development stage, i'm starting this thread so we can continue to discuss the issues without bumping the topic up in the 'gaming' section. It would be misleading to forum viewers who just want to play games to maintain a discussion about development over there.

We do discuss works in progress over in Gaming, but usually the topics are about applications that are mature, for which the port is a work in progress.

Gemrb is in a different category - it is one of the most ambitious commercial game engine remakes ever attempted (based on the complexity of the scripting and DnD rules). and discussion about getting it working is more of a development nature.

So to kick it off, bundyo please try creating a sorceror character and see if you get a python crash (with 3.0).


Bundyo 2008-02-21 08:20

Re: GemRb Development Thread
When is it supposed to crash? I created a sorcerer, then the game starts and works? :)

BTW, here:

The sound is synced, just my capture software isn't very good (or I'm not good in configuring it :)

Just tried openal in UQM - works with it on my device, though on high quality skips whereas SDL handles it without any problem. So no biggie. Warzone's problem lies somewhere else i guess.

rachid 2008-02-21 10:42

Re: GemRb Development Thread
That looks quite promising! :)

spirytsick 2008-02-21 12:05

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Thank You Very Much Guys. I am not a developper but if you need another tester feel free to let me know. I have a copy of both BG and BG2 at home so I can give some power user feedback on how it works on my tablet.

ArnimS 2008-02-25 02:42

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by spirytsick (Post 145674)
Thank You Very Much Guys. I am not a developper but if you need another tester feel free to let me know. I have a copy of both BG and BG2 at home so I can give some power user feedback on how it works on my tablet.

You can pick up general instructions from the GemRB thread in 'gaming'.

I'm not so sure I agree that a 50x50 threshold for hilighting. Seems like overkill - wouldn't a 15x15 threshold be adequate, while giving faster visual feedback when user drags to hilight?

Since there are a fair number of ITOS-heads who have some python skills, perhaps we as a community could help identify fix some of the remaining scripting errors: focusing perhaps first on BG2: Throne of Bhaal and SoA.

What are you thinking bundyo?

spirytsick 2008-02-29 17:46

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Guys, installed the build and copied openall and created the appropriate rc's. bg2 is in the /media/mmc1/games/bg2. When I start gemrb I get the following errors (please forgive me if I have missed something obvious but I am at work and I have to be a bit sneaky when playing with the tablet :) ).

Ok, here we go...


~/.gemrb $ gemrb
GemRB Core Version v0.3.0 Loading...
[Core]: Initializing Variables Dictionary...[OK]
[Config]: Trying to open GemRB.cfg [NOT FOUND]
[Config]: Trying to open /home/user/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg [OK]
[Core]: Starting Plugin Manager...
[PluginMgr]: Loading Plugins...
[PluginMgr]: Searching for plugins in: /usr/lib/gemrb/
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for GUI Script Engine (Python)...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for SDL Video Driver...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for ZLib Compression Manager...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for 2DA File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for ACM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for Null Sound Driver...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Duplicate Plug-in! [SKIPPING]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for ARE File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for BAM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for BIF File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for BMP File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for PNG File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for CHU File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for CRE File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for DLG File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for EFF File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for Effect opcodes for core games...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for Effect opcodes for the icewind branch of the games...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for Effect opcodes for the torment branch of the games...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for GAM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for IDS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for INI File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for ITM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for KEY File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for MOS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for MUS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for MVE Video Player...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for PLT File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for PRO File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for SPL File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for STO File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for WMP File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for WED File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for TLK File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for TIS File Importer...[OK]
[Core]: Plugin Loading Complete...[OK]
[Core]: Creating Object Factory...[OK]
[Core]: GemRB Core Initialization...
[Core]: Searching for Video Driver...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing Video Plugin...[OK]
[Core]: Searching for KEY Importer...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing Resource Manager...
[KEYImporter]: Opening /media/mmc1/games/bg2/chitin.key...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Checking file type...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Reading Resources...
[KEYImporter]:  BIF Files Count: 128 (Starting at 24 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]:  RES Count: 35200 (Starting at 3834 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]: Resources Loaded...[OK]
[Core]: Reading Game Options...
[KEYImporter]: Searching for gemrb.ini...[ERROR]
Cannot Load INI
Termination in Progress...
[KEYImporter]: Searching for defsound.2da...[ERROR]
Press enter to continue...

I will investigate it when I get home later on tonight but at quick glance I could not find neither gemrb.ini or defsound.2da anywhere...

Any suggestions? Please...

Bundyo 2008-02-29 21:17

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Did you configure gemrb.cfg properly?

spirytsick 2008-02-29 23:30

Re: GemRb Development Thread
seems so. I have all the files in the right paths and the ini files in the right location. I cannot locate gemrb.ini and defsound.2da anywhere though... :(

spirytsick 2008-03-01 14:16

Re: GemRb Development Thread
ok, looks like the GUIScripts path was not set properly. It now loads but hangs on sound initialization. Will have to investigate openal settings again

spirytsick 2008-03-01 14:37

Re: GemRb Development Thread

[KEYImporter]: Searching for STATES2.bam...[FOUND]
[Core]: Fonts Loaded...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for TOOLSCRL.bam...[FOUND]
[Core]: Initializing Tooltips...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for CAROT.bam...[FOUND]
[Core]: Setting up the Console...[OK]
open /dev/[sound/]dsp: No such file or directory
[Core]: Starting up the Sound Manager...Retrying to open sound, last error:(0)
open /dev/[sound/]dsp: No such file or directory
Retrying to open sound, last error:(0)

Sound seems to be the problem, although openal is setup correctly (i did check three times now)

Ok!! It works now, tablet restart was required before it worked ok.

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