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AndyG 2006-03-29 15:53

Enter Standby Mode Without Using Cover?
Does anybody know if there is a way? None of the "quick press" power button options do exactly what I want (i.e. to do what sliding the cover on does).

An unrelated question I've thought of while I'm here - is there a way to make the browser remember the "show toolbar" and "view optimised" options? I have to set them as I want them each time I run it (and sometimes even after visiting a new page).

Thanks in advance,

ploum 2006-03-29 16:28

Just wait one minute or something like that. I think it does the same as the cover does.

konttori 2006-03-29 17:19


Originally Posted by AndyG
An unrelated question I've thought of while I'm here - is there a way to make the browser remember the "show toolbar" and "view optimised" options? I have to set them as I want them each time I run it (and sometimes even after visiting a new page).

Thanks in advance,

I think it used to be possible in previous versions, but not in the latest (it automatically retained previous options). But I think the only solution is to edit the config file. It is located in ~/.opera/input.ini

michaelalanjones 2006-03-29 18:08

You could probably do it with a tiny magnet, along the edge. But if your magnet was too strong, it might erase the memory. I don't recommend this. Just set your timeout to a lesser value.

AndyG 2006-03-29 21:19

Thanks guys.

Clay 2006-03-29 21:27


Originally Posted by michaelalanjones
You could probably do it with a tiny magnet, along the edge. But if your magnet was too strong, it might erase the memory. I don't recommend this. Just set your timeout to a lesser value.

Me thinks it would have to be a very strong magnet indeed -- at least strong enough to reach back to the 60's when magnetic core memory was still around... :)

gnuite 2006-04-01 23:49

Note that the inactivity time-out is not the same as putting the cover on - it doesn't turn off the wifi/bluetooth radios, for example. As far as I know, there is no way to duplicate the effect of putting the cover on, except maybe by writing a custom application that sets the hardware state?

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