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munky261 2008-03-19 03:58

Does an app like this exist??
what im wanting is an app that is like xournal , with lined paper etc. but where i can type as well as sketch on the same screen. say where i could type and it stays on the lines of the paper but can highlight , draw etc. i find that my handwriting isnt the best on xournal. although i still love the program.... hard to stay in the lines.

grog 2009-01-14 16:07

Re: Does an editor app that allows drawing as well exist??
Since I'm looking for an app that has almost exactly the same functionality, I figured i awaken this old thread instead of creating a new one (hope you don't mind munky :)).

For myself I'm looking for an editor that I would mainly use for typing (as my hand writing is atrocious, that's one of the reasons I like computers in the first place :o), but I'd like the capability to be able to add hand drawings, diagrams, etc.

Any ideas anyone? TX

Khertan 2009-01-14 16:31

Re: Does an app like this exist??

the next mNotes will be able to take photo with cam, really simple text handwritted ( simply curve in dark and a delete ) and still the old text typped with keyboard feature.

But handwritted and typped text will be on a different notebook page. But can be on the same notes.

Of course i can always add some draw features.

Khertan 2009-01-14 16:50

Re: Does an app like this exist??
Alpha not available yet mNotes 0.2.0 :

qole 2009-01-14 17:01

Re: Does an app like this exist??
maemopad+ lets you type on one page and draw on another.

prk60091 2009-01-14 17:50

Re: Does an app like this exist??
what about an app that allows you to append a photo to a note (typed or otherwise)

Benson 2009-01-14 18:27

Re: Does an app like this exist??

Originally Posted by prk60091 (Post 257556)
what about an app that allows you to append a photo to a note (typed or otherwise)

Like cheezburgr? (I strongly recommend against installing that POC unless you actually plan to fix it up; it's not robust, sane, or even necessarily non-evil. But I think you can find a proper netpbm for maemo these days.)

lcuk 2009-01-14 18:31

Re: Does an app like this exist??
dare I say fixed in fremantle ;)

its been on the agenda for liqbase for a while now.

Khertan 2009-01-14 18:33

Re: Does an app like this exist??
I can add a button to the photo feature to add a picture instead of only a picture take with the cam;

grog 2009-01-14 18:52

Re: Does an app like this exist??
Thanks for the feedback. I'll give maemopad+ a try & wait anxiously for the mnotes & liqbase updates :).

Ideally I'd want to be able to type some text & add a drawing after it or below the line (such as a small diagram after 'draw a circle with a small elipse inside of it'. How much smaller is the elipse? Is it closer to the bottom, top, side, ... ?)

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