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Bundyo 2008-03-23 00:52

Mplayer 1.0 rc2 - Testing build.
Since someone asked why we don't have latest Mplayer on our NITs, i wondered why... Yesterday i found out - because there are too much changes upstream. However i decided to give it a go - grabbed the latest diff from the Maemo repo (v26) and the latest SVN source and tried to apply the patch. I'm posting here the result of my changes - mplayer and mencoder for the adventurers among you - do you dare try and enter the unknown? (um, don't mind me - its 2:42 in the morning here). I may have missed something on the way and this is only a test, so don't blame me if it crashes your device :)

Compiled for OS2008, but it may run on 2007 (770 will be probably a no go). Place the config file in /home/user/.mplayer/ and backup your original one before. If someone wants the diff (or the whole source), do tell.

Mplayer should work better with wmv9 at least but i expect it to be faster in other codecs too.

Mencoder works - took me a good 15 minute ride to convert a 4 minute Youtube video to mpeg4. Doesn't look good but i didn't specify any options anyway :)

No screenshots today. :P

Mplayer Executables and config file:

Mplayer SVN Source from 21.03.2008:

Maemo Patch against SVN 21.03.2008:

Save this as /etc/mplayer/menu.conf for the updated OSD menu.


<keybindings name="default">
    <binding key="UP" cmd="menu up" />
    <binding key="DOWN" cmd="menu down" />
    <binding key="LEFT" cmd="menu left" />
    <binding key="RIGHT" cmd="menu right" />
    <binding key="ENTER" cmd="menu ok" />
    <binding key="ESC" cmd="menu cancel" />
    <binding key="HOME" cmd="menu home" />
    <binding key="END" cmd="menu end" />
    <binding key="PGUP" cmd="menu pageup" />
    <binding key="PGDWN" cmd="menu pagedown" />
    <binding key="JOY_UP" cmd="menu up" />
    <binding key="JOY_DOWN" cmd="menu down" />
    <binding key="JOY_LEFT" cmd="menu left" />
    <binding key="JOY_RIGHT" cmd="menu right" />
    <binding key="JOY_BTN0" cmd="menu ok" />
    <binding key="JOY_BTN1" cmd="menu cancel" />
    <binding key="AR_VUP" cmd="menu up" />
    <binding key="AR_VDOWN" cmd="menu down" />
    <binding key="AR_PREV" cmd="menu left" />
    <binding key="AR_NEXT" cmd="menu right" />
    <binding key="AR_PLAY" cmd="menu ok" />
    <binding key="AR_MENU" cmd="menu cancel" />
    <binding key="AR_PREV_HOLD" cmd="menu home" />
    <binding key="AR_NEXT_HOLD" cmd="menu end" />
    <binding key="MOUSE_BTN0" cmd="menu click" />
    <binding key="MOUSE_BTN2" cmd="menu cancel" />
<keybindings name="list" parent="default">
    <binding key="AR_PREV" cmd="menu pageup" />
    <binding key="AR_NEXT" cmd="menu pagedown" />
<keybindings name="filesel" parent="list">
    <binding key="BS" cmd="menu left" />
<keybindings name="chapsel" parent="list" />
<keybindings name="cmdlist" parent="list">
    <binding key="AR_PREV" cmd="menu left" />
    <binding key="AR_NEXT" cmd="menu right" />
<keybindings name="txt" parent="list" />
<keybindings name="pt" parent="list" />
<keybindings name="pref" parent="list">
    <binding key="AR_PREV" cmd="menu left" />
    <binding key="AR_NEXT" cmd="menu right" />
    <binding key="AR_PREV_HOLD" cmd="menu left" />
    <binding key="AR_NEXT_HOLD" cmd="menu right" />

<txt name="man" file="manpage.txt"/>

<filesel name="open_file"/>
<filesel name="open_list" file-action="loadlist '%p'" auto-close="yes"
        title="Open a playlist: %p"
        actions="d:run 'mp_loader \'%p\' d',c:run 'mp_loader \'%p\' c'" />

<chapsel name="select_chapter" />

<pt name="jump_to"/>

<console name="console0" height="80" vspace="0">Welcome to MPlayer</console>

<txt name="man" file="manpage.txt"/>

<pref name="general_pref" title="General">
      <e property="osdlevel" name="OSD level"/>
      <e property="speed" name="Speed"/>
      <e property="loop" name="Loop"/>

<pref name="demuxer_pref" title="Demuxer">

<pref name="osd_sub_pref" title="Subtitles">
      <e property="sub" name="Subtitles"/>
      <e property="sub_visibility" name="Visibility"/>
      <e property="sub_forced_only" name="Forced sub only"/>
      <e property="sub_alignment" name="Alignment"/> 
      <e property="sub_pos" name="Position"/>
      <e property="sub_delay" name="Delay"/>
      <e property="sub_scale" name="Scale"/>

<pref name="audio_pref" title="Audio">
      <e property="volume" name="Volume"/>
      <e property="balance" name="Balance"/>
      <e property="mute" name="Mute"/>
      <e property="audio_delay" name="Delay"/>

<pref name="colors_pref" title="Colors">
      <e property="gamma" name="Gamma"/>
      <e property="brightness" name="Brightness"/>
      <e property="contrast" name="Contrast"/>
      <e property="saturation" name="Saturation"/>
      <e property="hue" name="Hue"/>

<pref name="video_pref" title="Video">
      <e property="fullscreen" name="Fullscreen"/>
      <e property="panscan" name="Panscan"/>
      <menu menu="colors_pref" name="Colors ..."/>
      <e property="ontop" name="Always on top"/>
      <e property="rootwin" name="Root window"/>
      <e property="framedropping" name="Frame dropping"/>
      <e property="vsync" name="VSync"/>

<cmdlist name="pref_main" title="Preferences" ptr="<>" >
    <e name="General ..." ok="set_menu general_pref"/>
    <e name="Audio ..." ok="set_menu audio_pref"/>
    <e name="Video ..." ok="set_menu video_pref"/>
    <e name="Subtitles ..." ok="set_menu osd_sub_pref"/>
    <e name="Back" ok="menu cancel"/>

<pref name="properties" title="Stream Properties">
      <e txt="${filename}" name="Name"/>
      <e txt="${video_format}" name="Video Codec"/>
      <e txt="${video_bitrate}" name="Video Bitrate"/>
      <e txt="${width} x ${height}" name="Resolution"/>
      <e txt="${audio_codec}" name="Audio Codec"/>
      <e txt="${audio_bitrate}" name="Audio Bitrate"/>
      <e txt="${samplerate}, ${channels}" name="Audio Samples"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Title}" name="Title"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Artist}" name="Artist"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Album}" name="Album"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Year}" name="Year"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Comment}" name="Comment"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Track}" name="Track"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Genre}" name="Genre"/>
      <e txt="${metadata/Software}" name="Software"/>

<cmdlist name="main" title="MPlayer OSD menu" ptr="<>" >
      <e name="Pause" ok="pause"/>
      <e name="Chapter ..." ok="set_menu select_chapter"
                            left="seek_chapter -1" right="seek_chapter +1"/>
      <e name="Prev/Next ..." ok="set_menu jump_to"
                            left="pt_step -1" right="pt_step 1"/>
      <e name="Open ..." ok="set_menu open_file"/>
      <e name="Open playlist ..." ok="set_menu open_list"/>
      <e name="Help" ok="set_menu man"/>
      <e name="Pref" ok="set_menu pref_main"/>
      <e name="Properties" ok="set_menu properties"/>
      <e name="Console" ok="set_menu console0"/>
      <e name="Quit" ok="quit"/>

mudhoney 2008-03-23 01:43

Re: Mplayer 1.0 rc2 - Testing build.
How well does it play flv movies? specifically from youtube?

I'll have to compile it myself sometime.

Bundyo 2008-03-23 06:21

Re: Mplayer 1.0 rc2 - Testing build.
Well, without stutter and synced, even in Canola. However i just found out that i forgot to stop the screen fade.

Bundyo 2008-03-23 06:41

Re: Mplayer 1.0 rc2 - Testing build.
Okay, fixed the screensaver, reuploaded the file:

mudhoney 2008-03-23 07:34

Re: Mplayer 1.0 rc2 - Testing build.
Is the diff modified from the one for the mplayer on maemo repositories? If so I'd like to have it. Thanks. :)

Bundyo 2008-03-23 07:44

Re: Mplayer 1.0 rc2 - Testing build.
Yes, it is very different, since rc2 is much different than rc1. I'll post it later, when i can get back to my computer.

qwerty12 2008-03-23 08:35

Re: Mplayer 1.0 rc2 - Testing build.
Thanks a lot!

Now I can watch flv hopefully

Ok,thank you! But, the osd menu is gone :( but sync and seeking works perfectly on flv :)

Also GMPlayer is broken, it will not play the flv I select but playing it from MYTube works.

qwerty12 2008-03-23 16:25

Re: Mplayer 1.0 rc2 - Testing build.
Ok, lets go through the problems and see why they don't work.

GMplayer nonfunctional:

gmplauncher[3789]: GLIB WARNING ** default -
Unknown option on the command line: -use-last-saved-position
Error parsing option on the command line: -use-last-saved-position
Menu not working:

MPlayer dev-SVN-r26265-3.4.4 (C) 2000-2008 MPlayer Team
Internet Tablet OS version: RX-34+RX-44_2008SE_2.2007.51-3_PR_MR0

Playing /media/mmc1/mtube/mtube/f6UPxdK65JU/vid.flv.

libavformat file format detected.
[lavf] Video stream found, -vid 0
[lavf] Audio stream found, -aid 1
VIDEO: [FLV1] 320x240 0bpp 29.970 fps 0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
[omapfb] Nokia N800/N810 hardware detected
================================================== ========================
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
Selected video codec: [ffflv] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg Flash video)
================================================== ========================
================================================== ========================
Trying to force audio codec driver family libmad...
Opening audio decoder: [libmad] libmad mpeg audio decoder
AUDIO: 22050 Hz, 1 ch, s16le, 8.0 kbit/2.27% (ratio: 1000->44100)
Selected audio codec: [mad] afm: libmad (libMAD MPEG layer 1-2-3)
================================================== ========================
[AO SDL] Samplerate: 22050Hz Channels: Mono Format s16le
AO: [sdl] 22050Hz 1ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Starting playback...
VDec: vo config request - 320 x 240 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
VO: [omapfb] 320x240 => 320x240 Planar YV12 [fs] [zoom]
[omapfb] ARM JIT scaler (quality=2): 320x240 YV12 => 320x240 YUV420
A: 0.2 V: 0.0 A-V: 0.197 ct: 0.000 0/ 0 ??%
A: 0.2 V: 0.0 A-V: 0.198 ct: 0.003 0/ 0 ??%
pts value <= previous
A: 0.2 V: 0.0 A-V: 0.198 ct: 0.005 0/ 0 ??%
pts value <= previous
A: 0.2 V: 0.0 A-V: 0.198 ct: 0.007 0/ 0 ??%
pts value <= previous
A: 0.2 V: 0.0 A-V: 0.198 ct: 0.009 0/ 0 ??%
A: 0.2 V: 0.1 A-V: 0.111 ct: 0.011 0/ 0 ??%
A: 0.2 V: 0.2 A-V: 0.077 ct: 0.012 0/ 0 ??%
A: 0.2 V: 0.2 A-V: 0.010 ct: 0.012 0/ 0 ??%
A: 0.3 V: 0.3 A-V: 0.024 ct: 0.014 0/ 0 ??%
A: 0.3 V: 0.3 A-V: 0.037 ct: 0.017 0/ 0 ??%
A: 0.3 V: 0.3 A-V: 0.003 ct: 0.017 0/ 0 ??%
A: 0.4 V: 0.4 A-V: 0.017 ct: 0.018 0/ 0 ??%
A: 0.5 V: 0.4 A-V: 0.043 ct: 0.021 0/ 0 ??%
A: 0.5 V: 0.5 A-V: 0.010 ct: 0.022 0/ 0 ??%
A: 0.5 V: 0.5 A-V: 0.023 ct: 0.024 0/ 0 ??%
A: 0.6 V: 0.5 A-V: 0.035 ct: 0.027 0/ 0 30%
A: 0.6 V: 0.6 A-V: 0.002 ct: 0.027 0/ 0 30%
A: 0.7 V: 0.6 A-V: 0.028 ct: 0.027 0/ 0 29%
A: 0.7 V: 0.7 A-V: 0.042 ct: 0.027 0/ 0 29%
A: 0.7 V: 0.7 A-V: 0.008 ct: 0.026 0/ 0 30%
A: 0.8 V: 0.7 A-V: 0.021 ct: 0.028 0/ 0 30%
A: 0.8 V: 0.8 A-V: 0.034 ct: 0.028 0/ 0 30%
A: 0.8 V: 0.8 A-V: 0.014 ct: 0.027 0/ 0 30%
A: 0.9 V: 0.9 A-V: 0.026 ct: 0.030 0/ 0 29%
A: 0.9 V: 0.9 A-V: -0.007 ct: 0.028 0/ 0 29%
A: 0.9 V: 0.9 A-V: 0.007 ct: 0.029 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.0 V: 1.0 A-V: 0.019 ct: 0.028 0/ 0 31%
A: 1.0 V: 1.0 A-V: -0.000 ct: 0.028 0/ 0 30%
A: 1.1 V: 1.1 A-V: 0.058 ct: 0.032 0/ 0 30%
A: 1.1 V: 1.1 A-V: 0.025 ct: 0.031 0/ 0 30%
A: 1.1 V: 1.1 A-V: -0.008 ct: 0.029 0/ 0 30%
A: 1.2 V: 1.2 A-V: 0.051 ct: 0.033 0/ 0 30%
A: 1.2 V: 1.2 A-V: -0.016 ct: 0.030 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.3 V: 1.3 A-V: -0.003 ct: 0.030 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.3 V: 1.3 A-V: 0.011 ct: 0.029 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.4 V: 1.3 A-V: 0.023 ct: 0.031 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.4 V: 1.4 A-V: -0.010 ct: 0.030 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.5 V: 1.4 A-V: 0.016 ct: 0.030 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.5 V: 1.5 A-V: 0.030 ct: 0.033 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.5 V: 1.5 A-V: -0.004 ct: 0.032 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.5 V: 1.5 A-V: 0.010 ct: 0.032 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.6 V: 1.6 A-V: 0.023 ct: 0.032 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.6 V: 1.6 A-V: 0.003 ct: 0.031 0/ 0 28%
A: 1.7 V: 1.7 A-V: 0.016 ct: 0.031 0/ 0 28%
A: 1.7 V: 1.7 A-V: 0.029 ct: 0.031 0/ 0 28%
A: 1.7 V: 1.7 A-V: -0.004 ct: 0.030 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.8 V: 1.8 A-V: 0.009 ct: 0.031 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.9 V: 1.8 A-V: 0.035 ct: 0.034 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.9 V: 1.9 A-V: 0.001 ct: 0.033 0/ 0 29%
A: 1.9 V: 1.9 A-V: 0.014 ct: 0.034 0/ 0 29%
A: 2.0 V: 1.9 A-V: 0.028 ct: 0.036 0/ 0 29%
A: 2.0 V: 2.0 A-V: -0.006 ct: 0.035 0/ 0 29%
A: 2.1 V: 2.0 A-V: 0.021 ct: 0.037 0/ 0 28%
A: 2.1 V: 2.1 A-V: -0.014 ct: 0.035 0/ 0 28%
A: 2.1 V: 2.1 A-V: -0.000 ct: 0.035 0/ 0 29%
A: 2.1 V: 2.1 A-V: 0.013 ct: 0.036 0/ 0 28%
A: 2.2 V: 2.2 A-V: 0.026 ct: 0.035 0/ 0 29%
A: 2.2 V: 2.2 A-V: 0.005 ct: 0.035 0/ 0 28%
A: 2.2 V: 2.3 A-V: -0.028 ct: 0.032 0/ 0 28%
A: 2.3 V: 2.3 A-V: -0.015 ct: 0.030 0/ 0 28%
A: 2.3 V: 2.3 A-V: -0.002 ct: 0.029 0/ 0 28%
A: 2.4 V: 2.4 A-V: 0.011 ct: 0.029 0/ 0 28%
A: 2.4 V: 2.4 A-V: -0.009 ct: 0.028 0/ 0 28%
A: 2.5 V: 2.5 A-V: 0.004 ct: 0.028 0/ 0 28%
A: 2.5 V: 2.5 A-V: 0.018 ct: 0.028 0/ 0 28%

Invalid command for bound key F4 : menu up
Invalid command for bound key F4 : menu up
Invalid command for bound key F4 : menu up
/usr/share/fonts/SwaRR4nh.ttf doesn't look like a bitmap font description, ignoring.
Cannot load bitmap font: /usr/share/fonts/SwaRR4nh.ttf

Exiting... (Quit)

Bundyo 2008-03-23 17:01

Re: Mplayer 1.0 rc2 - Testing build.
:) Yes, probably missed these. I remember omitting use-last-saved-position on purpose, didn't notice since i don't use the gui :)

qwerty12 2008-03-23 17:04

Re: Mplayer 1.0 rc2 - Testing build.

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 159148)
:) Yes, probably missed these. I remember omitting use-last-saved-position on purpose, didn't notice since i don't use the gui :)

Sniff sniff :( :p. Any chance of fixing them please?

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