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mooler 2008-03-31 03:50

Free up space on N800 with OS2008?
Hey everybody. I was what I could delete - if anything -from my rootfs on my n800 using OS2008 to free up space on internal flash. I have already deleted all of the default images, videos, documents...just wondering if there was anything else. this is a fresh flash of os2008

badgerbalti 2008-03-31 04:43

Re: Free up space on N800 with OS2008?
you could go into red pill mode and start removing all the foreign language bits and other stuff (carefull here though) that isn't required.

mooler 2008-03-31 04:58

Re: Free up space on N800 with OS2008?
Great Idea! Thanks. But you are right...gotta be really careful. Any other suggestions?

leavic 2008-03-31 09:49

Re: Free up space on N800 with OS2008?
Anybody knows how to uninstall the build in rss reader?

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