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PLeBlanc 2008-04-25 03:25

forum/user profile specific bookmarks
Doable? Finding a good thread and I want to keep it for followup on my ITT.

Hey, like my mouseover worthy first line? Captures the thread and you don't have to read the whole thing to know what I am asking for? (mouse overs on the new posts screen give you the first sentence or so, and I notice those first sentences aren't always a good executive summary). (alright then I wasted your time reading my pat on the back, sorry.)

I often find threads that I want to re-find when I am on my ITT. I browse this forum mostly on desktop PCs (yes, GeneralAntilles, you browse and post on your ITT, but the small screen and difficult text input keep me on my desktop, no bragging rights for me).

I'd love a way to bookmark posts so I can find them again from the forums/ittalk when I am on my tablet.

For example, a new roadmap version was just posted in a thread. I would love to be able to tag that somehow and then easily retrieve it when I come back on my tablet. (threads with install files are a particular example of how this would be a great benefit).

I know, I was the one who just posted some quoted material from the vBulletin docs, but the documentation isn't the easiest to parse, and I found nothing under "bookmarks" so it may not be doable, but it would be a great benefit to me (and I assume others).

GeneralAntilles 2008-04-25 03:29

Re: forum/user profile specific bookmarks
You want to investigate the subscription feature.

(Also, there's no such thing as an "ITT" :p ;))

PLeBlanc 2008-04-25 03:34

Re: forum/user profile specific bookmarks
You are most mistaken, ITT did a bunch of advertising to school people in traditional electronics careers!
Check it again, my friend!

Well, then again, you come up with something that doesn't take as much typing as internettablettalk.

Subscription, you say? I'll check it out.

(errr, yeah, IT? heh, sorry for the extra T)

GeneralAntilles 2008-04-25 03:54

Re: forum/user profile specific bookmarks

Originally Posted by PLeBlanc (Post 174431)
Well, then again, you come up with something that doesn't take as much typing as internettablettalk.

I was only referring to the term being accidentally used to refer to a tablet and only in jest. :D

PLeBlanc 2008-04-25 03:58

Re: forum/user profile specific bookmarks
I do know. My cheeks were red.

PLeBlanc 2008-04-25 04:07

Re: forum/user profile specific bookmarks
Under Thread Tools
>Subscribe to this thread

I just did it for the Roadmap thread. It looks like I had also subscribed to a 'clone your OS' thread (which is another thread I wanted to find later). So maybe my problem wasn't having the tool, but finding and using the tool (or remembering the tool, or knowing what the tool did, or...).

Does subscribing work well for the rest of you (and General Antilles, does it work just like you'd like?) Looks like I need look no further. Thanks!

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