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gnuite 2006-05-26 05:23

Maemo Mapper v0.2.3 Released
Maemo Mapper v0.2.3 has been released to the masses!

Device-Installable .DEB File
Source Code

New Features:
* Added support for satellite map data.
* Added support to save last center location.
* Added support to specify announcement advance notice in Settings.
* Added estimate for number of maps to download with Download By Area.

* Force creation of the map cache directory (including parents).
* Fixed some locale-related bugs.
* Made the flite call safer, and the path is specifiable in Settings.
* Changed the look of the HildonControlbars in Settings a tad.
* Changed the way routes are followed to better support single-point, "point-of-interest"-style routes.
* Fixed bug in route-drawing.
* Fixed some bugs in download-by-route functionality.
* Trying some fixes for when the bluetooth connection mysteriously drops.
* Added some error-handling to NMEA parsing.
* Fixed some other minor, workaround-able bugs.
* Added some more comment documentation to the code.

The current priority-ordered TODO list, targeted for a future version of Maemo Mapper:
1. Support multiple map repositories between which you can dynamically switch. (If you need something like this now, take a look at mgedmin's repository-switcher scripts if you are reasonably command-line savvy.
2. Support for two new modes of GPS receiver connection: GPSD, and direct RFCOMM (via the Maemo Bluetooth Plugin).
3. Publicize subversion repository (it's current private to my LAN - if you would like to hack at the code now, PM me and we'll talk; I might be able to set you up with an account on my box that would allow you to access the repo for writing).
4. Add temporal data to track export.
5. Incorporate the GPX Driving Directions web service code directly into Maemo Mapper.
6. Make all drawing colors (circles and lines) configurable.
7. Localization (I'll need input from native speakers - volunteers?).
8. Add optional textual information (location, speed, heading, etc.) in upper-left corner of map.
9. Integrate with the dbus-based flite (if it actually works).
10. Integration with Maemo's Connectivity API's to auto-connect to the internet as necessary (like the web browser does).
11. Create official user documentation.
12. Allow "mouse selection" in the "Download by Area" functionality.
13. Replace the "Approaching Waypoint" prefix with a loud chime of some sort.

The next version of Maemo Mapper will be version 1.0 and will be the first version targeted for the new 2006 Operating System. If time permits, I will also release a backported v0.3 that will contain most of the same new features as v1.0 but will work with the old 2005 OS. If the new 2006 OS takes too long, it is possible that v0.3 will be released before v1.0.

Feel free to provide feedback and/or bug reports in this thread or via private message. If you like Maemo Mapper and would like to see it improve and/or show your appreciation, you can help me by providing suggestions for version 1.0 (in this forum) or by donating via credit card or PayPal (see the Maemo Mapper website for details).

Thanks to everyone who has contributed with bug reports, suggestions, and donations. Maemo Mapper is greatly improved because of you all, and I am confident that that trend will continue.

gnuite 2006-05-26 05:25

Using Satellite Data with Maemo Mapper v0.2
Maemo Mapper v0.2 includes the ability to use satellite data instead of street data. It's a little cumbersome to maintain both kinds of Map Caches right now because you have to change both the URI and the Map Cache directory every time you want to switch, but this will become easier in a future version. mgedmin's repository-switcher scripts make it a little easier.

I only include this now to better support people that only have access to satellite data (not street map data).

Here is an example of a satellite-map URI Format that works:

Thanks go to Marius Gedminas for the conversion routine required to work with satellite data.

DISCLAIMER: Using Google's satellite data may be considered a violation of their copyright or that of the copyright holders of the map data. Use of this software requires and implies that you agree that you understand that using Maemo Mapper to download maps from a commercial map repository may be considered a violation of copyright law and that John Costigan cannot be held responsible for any of your actions related thereto.

gnuite 2006-05-26 05:27

Addressing the mysterious bluetooth dropouts
I have added code that attempts to eliminate or handle the mysterous dropouts in bluetooth connectivity that cause Maemo Mapper to stop updating your current position while the UI continues to function. If you still experience this behavior, unfortunately resetting the bluetooth radio requires root privileges, but if you're willing, you can activate the "automatic bluetooth radio reset" functionality in Maemo Mapper by using root mode to modify the /etc/sudoers file to include the following line:

user ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hciconfig hci0 reset

WARNING: This is technically a security risk. Adding the above line can allow outside attackers to cause your bluetooth radio to reset without root privileges. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

If you do add this line to your sudoers file, please let me know if it has any effect for you. I tried for 90 minutes to reproduce the problem to see if the reset had any effect, but I couldn't reproduce it. If the behavior does occur, it may take Maemo Mapper up to 30 seconds to identify it and execute the reset.

EDIT: If you enable the bluetooth radio reset code, remember that it will cause ALL bluetooth connections to be dropped, including connections to cell phones, keyboards, etc. This will happen whenever the connection between Maemo Mapper and the GPS receiver is unexpectedly interrupted (e.g. if you walk far enough away from the receiver).

gnuite 2006-05-26 05:27

This is a placeholder comment unless I want to add anything important in the future.

uNtouched 2006-05-26 06:07

gnuite, Just as a heads up...I keep getting "Invalid NMEA input from receiver". Previous version worked like a charm.

gnuite 2006-05-26 06:20


Originally Posted by uNtouched
gnuite, Just as a heads up...I keep getting "Invalid NMEA input from receiver". Previous version worked like a charm.

Do you get the message during the "Establishing GPS Fix" message or after your receiver gets a fix? Or both?
What model is your receiver?
What locale is your Nokia 770 set to?
Are you able to use GPSD or cat to PM me sample NMEA output from your receiver? (If you don't know what this means, don't worry about it.)

gultig 2006-05-26 06:25


Originally Posted by gnuite
3. Publicize subversion repository (it's current private to my LAN - if you would like to hack at the code now, PM me and we'll talk; I might be able to set you up with an account on my box that would allow you to access the repo for writing).

Might I suggest the brand spanking new for development hosting?

bradb 2006-05-26 06:30


Originally Posted by gnuite
Do you get the message during the "Establishing GPS Fix" message or after your receiver gets a fix? Or both?

I've noticed that until the receiver gets a fix - at least for me - I get this same error message. Once a fix is established, it seems to work fine.

Looks good so far - thanks!


uNtouched 2006-05-26 06:35

gnuite, sorry, it might be that I am indoors with the receiver (Nokia LD-1W) is just sitting by the window. Better report tomorrow.

elpaso 2006-05-26 09:06

Great work, thank you!


Originally Posted by gnuite
7. Localization (I'll need input from native speakers - volunteers?).

I would like to contribute with the italian translations.

Please consider using GNU gettext PO system, it's well known and has a lot of useful tools for maintaining translation catalogs.


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