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GeneralAntilles 2008-06-11 02:24

The Maemowiki Action Group
So, as you may or may not know, things are getting rolling on the new mediawiki-based* maemowiki over at This is a very welcome migration from the old, crappy midgard wiki that we've been dragged down by for the past 3 years. It represents a very positive direction going forward for, and should leave us with a much more useful, and usable, wiki.

But we need people to help make that happen, which is why I've started the Maemowiki Action Group (for those of you familiar with wikipedia's practices, think of it like a meta-WikiProject that covers the whole wiki, not just a small part) to help bring in people, focus, and organize the development and improvement of the new wiki.

So, if helping to improve a bunch of crusty old midgard articles, helping to set up a template, categorical and organizational framework for a new wiki, or just contributing new content sounds like something you'd be interested in doing, join up and get crackin'!†

*This is what wikipedia runs.
†All you need to do is add your name to the bottom of the members list here by signing with: # ~~~~

GeneralAntilles 2008-06-11 03:27

Re: The Maemowiki Action Group
The Details

So what exactly is the MAG doing? Well, generally speaking, making maemowiki awesome by acting as a centralized organization point for all work on the maemowiki. ;) More specifically, we've got a number of tasks to take care of.

First and foremost, we've got to get the midgard migration completed. This involves a number of things. As articles are brought over from the midgard wiki, they need to be tagged and categorized. Most of this is already being taken care of as part of the article moving process by dneary. Once the articles are actually moved to the new wiki, they can be found in the Midgard wiki category, this is where any interested parties should go to find articles that need working on. Each article will need several things done to it to bring it up to speed with the new wiki.
  1. Titles need to be changed to fit with the mediawiki style and appropriate articles should be merged together.
  2. The syntax needs to be brought up with speed with mediawiki. Lists need to be lists (# not 1.,2.,etc.), links need to be properly named and formated, code boxes should be correctly set up, headers need to be correctly nested and named.
  3. Content needs to be updated for spelling, grammar, and technical accuracy. A lot of the articles are 770-specific and/or don't include information about easier GUI methods (like, say, for USB networking) and these need to be updated.
  4. After an article has been brought completely up to speed (you may want to get a second opinion on this), the midgard wiki tag should be deleted from the top of the page.

Second, we need to set up a uniform system of templates to ease wiki organization and management. If you see a need for a template, you should pretty much feel free to add it, but be sure to document the intended usage (where it goes, what it's for, what parameters it uses, etc—will add a template for this soon) and add it to the Template category.

Finally, we need to work out a categorization system and make sure the correct articles end up in the proper categories (articles can be in more than one category). dneary is working on a lot of this here, but help in categorizing articles would be much appreciated.

Benson 2008-06-11 15:22

Re: The Maemowiki Action Group

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 190744)
Second, we need to set up a uniform system of templates to ease wiki organization and management. If you see a need for a template, you should pretty much feel free to add it, but be sure to document the intended usage (where it goes, what it's for, what parameters it uses, etc—will add a template for this soon) and add it to the Template category.

Yeah, but won't you need a template for that? Meta-meta-template FTW!

GeneralAntilles 2008-06-11 15:31

Re: The Maemowiki Action Group

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 190962)
Yeah, but won't you need a template for that? Meta-meta-template FTW!

See the documentation box from wikipedia. ;)

andrewfblack 2008-06-11 15:38

Re: The Maemowiki Action Group
I joined up becuaseI have nothing better to do at work then work on this wiki :)

dont 2008-06-11 16:13

Re: The Maemowiki Action Group
Just to be clear, is this new wiki is intended to replace the existing wiki on Maemo and not the wiki here on ITT?

Or is it to replace both?

GeneralAntilles 2008-06-11 16:15

Re: The Maemowiki Action Group

Originally Posted by dont (Post 190982)
Just to be clear, is this new wiki is intended to replace the existing wiki on Maemo and not the wiki here on ITT?

Or is it to replace both?

Well, it's an upgrade to the wiki that I'd like to see turned into the major centralized maemo wiki, which would supplant the itT wiki.

Reggie 2008-06-11 17:05

Re: The Maemowiki Action Group
First let me say that I am quite happy to see the overall progress of the wiki. The team is doing a great job and would like to especially thank GA for being so active with the wiki.

I would think that the wiki will be a good replacement for the itT wiki. I would think however that the itT wiki would evolve to summarizing important and helpful posts in the forum. It might also contain simple tips and how-to's for new to average end-users, depending of course if will or will not be adding these kinds of info in the wiki.

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