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qwerty12 2008-06-11 14:58

[announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.
1 Attachment(s)

The only version available for OS2008 (from mulliner's repo) is very old now (the package was uploaded Nov 2007) and didn't contain the full set of tools. They may be irrelevant with the built in wifi card but now with usb host and a wifi dongle, full set is useful for injection ;) (hell, i've even compiled some wifi modules for a dongle I don't have).

This is the latest and from svn and contains it all.
I've also used CFLAGS that utilize the FPU and optimize the binaries for the OMAP2420 for the best optimization so hopefully, cracking is faster.

Compiling this one under SBOX1 was a ***** though, I had to use updated qemu with the cs2008 toolchain.

(tz1's nokismet is great with aircrack-ng)

EDIT: Updated! This is aircrack-ng rc2 from SVN!

Ignore the attached aircrack-ng_1.0rc1svnr1083-1_armel.deb, that is the old rc1.

Install libnl as root with dpkg -i.

After that, install the latest latest aircrack rc2 using application manager.

Godlike 2008-06-11 20:11

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 190941)
Description: WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program
aircrack is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools. In fact, aircrack is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks.

The only version available for OS2008 (from mulliner's repo) is very old now (the package was uploaded Nov 2007) and didn't contain the full set of tools. They may be irrelevant with the built in wifi card but now with usb host and a wifi dongle, full set is useful for injection ;) (hell, i've even compiled some wifi modules for a dongle I don't have).

This is the latest and from svn and contains it all.
I've also put a shitload of CFLAGS for the best optimization so hopefully, cracking is faster.

Compiling this one under SBOX1 was a ***** though, I had to use updated qemu with the cs2008 toolchain.

(tz1's nokismet is great with aircrack-ng)

Many thanks!!

Does injection work?

qwerty12 2008-06-11 21:46

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.
You need an external wifi adapter connected to the n8x0 in usb host mode to do injection, the built in wifi adapter/drivers doesn't support it.

(On another note, I've noticed the newer versions can take a little longer (on my n800 anyway) to startup (it's not the cflags) so I'll try and build some optimised older builds.

mrlanrat 2008-06-11 22:28

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.
Now, for a very interesting question. Is it possible for someone to re-write the Built in WIFI card driver to support injection? Or make there own from scratch?
Or is this all just crazy talk? ;)

maillaxa 2008-06-11 23:18

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.
I guess the latter if you do not take the A :)

stevecrye 2008-06-30 22:44

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.
Hey qwert12;

I'm still struggling to get tz1's nokismet to run longer than 10 minutes on my n810 without stopping. It does not crash, it just quits grabbing packets. Also, now that I am running Diablo, the "r" popup window does not work. (Press "r", nothing happens).

I'm trying to get up to speed with scratchbox and the SDK so that I can try to compile the 5.18.08 version of Kismet, which seems to have n810 drivers. However, tz1 could not get it going, so I doubt if I will be able to do so.

Any suggestions most welcome; perhaps you can send your kismet .conf files so that I can compare?


qwerty12 2008-07-01 05:36

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.


I'm still struggling to get tz1's nokismet to run longer than 10 minutes on my n810 without stopping. It does not crash, it just quits grabbing packets.
Tap the wifi icon and turn the search interval from 10 mins to never. It will still stop scanning a while later (but that's because of the dodgy wifi driver anyway) but it will scan for enough time to get enough packets.


Also, now that I am running Diablo, the "r" popup window does not work. (Press "r", nothing happens).
No idea, sorry.


I'm trying to get up to speed with scratchbox and the SDK so that I can try to compile the 5.18.08 version of Kismet, which seems to have n810 drivers. However, tz1 could not get it going, so I doubt if I will be able to do so.
I've never tried to compile the latest kismet on any platform, so I am sorry but I don't really have any knowledge on kismet.


perhaps you can send your kismet .conf files so that I can compare?
I presume you are asking that because my kismet can scan longer? Just turn off the search interval in wifi settings :). You can extract the nokismet deb for the original conf files that tz1 uses.


stevecrye 2008-07-01 15:47

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.


Tap the wifi icon and turn the search interval from 10 mins to never. It will still stop scanning a while later (but that's because of the dodgy wifi driver anyway) but it will scan for enough time to get enough packets.
Thanks, but this was the first thing I tried two weeks ago; back when I first got kismet running under Chinook. How long can you get yours to run?

I noticed that the stopping seems to be triggered by the data save event, but not on every save.

I'm on my tablet right now, so sorry if missed the answer. Any way to get kismet to show signal strength? I seems like this is not a driver problem, because the regular tablet connectivity screen shows signal strength.



tz1 2008-07-08 22:39

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.
I just built a deb of the 2008-05-R1 kismet tree using dpkg-buildpackage. It complained about ncurses, but looking at config.log I didn't have libgpsbt-dev and libgpsmgr-dev installed. And maybe not libgps and it depends on these but they aren't listed in the debian dependency section.

I haven't tried it yet.

I will have to rebuild sox and see if I can do a deb (I'm starting to use and hope to start putting things in the extras-devel).

tz1 2008-07-09 00:00

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.

static pcap0.9 (not in the internal dependencies, I'm working up a pcap 0.9.8 shared lib and deb).

You need to edit /etc/kismet/kismet.conf and prepend a path for the log/dump files, e.g. /media/mmc1/kismet instead of letting it default as it normally can't write.

It hasn't been 10 minutes from the last run so I don't know if everything else if fixed.

Have fun.

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