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spiderx 2006-06-03 13:55

Favorite use for your Nokia 770?
What is the favorite use you've found for your Nokia 770?
I go to lunch with the guys at work often enough, that we talk about things. Then, at some point, some guy will try to sound all "smart" and stuff and will make some outrageous claim, stating that it's a fact. It used to be, we would either a) believe him, and therefore that he is smart, or b) quietly not believe and change the subject. With my Nokia 770, there is an option c) question the claim by looking it up on the internet.
Has anyone ever used theirs for that?

mgedmin 2006-06-03 16:28

Yes, almost. After I got on the net and found the subject on Wikipedia, I decided to not interrupt the conversation which had diverged on to a different topic by that time. :)

My favourite use would be reading e-books.

fpp 2006-06-03 21:41

Over here we have a truly exceptional FM station with no ads and precious little idle chatter, just mostly music. Very eclectic music too, mixing old and new pop/rock with classic, ethnic and downright bizarre, and hardly ever a Top50 tune. As they seldom talk and never announce what they're playing, back in the days it used to be very hard sometimes to know just what you were hearing exactly (short of phoning the station :-). Nowadays they have a web site where artist/album/song info appears in real time ; but still, if the home PC isn't on at the exact moment you want to know what that beautiful music is, by the time the bloody thing has finished booting and connected it may be too late. With the always-on-allmost-always-connected 770, I never miss 'em anymore :-)

NokNok770 2006-06-03 21:48

I use it as a flashlight at night.

Coolty 2006-06-03 23:52

I use any backlit device for that, such as a PSP.

musicoman 2006-06-04 00:21

Only mahjong.

Promix 2006-06-04 04:04

I am starting a web business and I got the 770 to carry my website with me and to demo it to friends and such and be able to get a real first reaction and comments. My website is still in the design fase but it will be ready soon!!!!

Semtex199 2006-06-04 09:38

i wear it everywhere at home to listen to music (i plug i downstair to the hifi) or read blogs in my sofa. Also im waiting for someone to port PSTV (locationfree tv ¿ ;) to watch tv in my bath (for ex.)

PSTV link :
ETV (alternative version) video only :
Using Dscaller to broadcast from pc thru psp. this should be port'able to 770 ;)
That would make the 770 the ultimate gear.


JPB 2006-06-04 13:47

To access all my online applications when I am away from home/office or on holiday. - - Gmail - - Calendar Google doesn't work yet. slashdot- appleinsider - or wikimedia knowledgebase of my office. etc..... Don't need a laptop anymore :-)

hdtravel 2006-06-04 13:59

Although I use my wonderful Nokia 770 for many uses and in many places I would say my primary use and the one that gives me the most enjoyment is listening to Web radio music. I like the channels offered at and have them added in my favorites. I put the 770 in the stand and let the tunes play. Also plug it into my Bose stereo for bigger sound. I use headphones down at the local coffee shop on their FREE wifi network to listen to great music. This thing is worth the money for playing music alone I think. And it does so much more. Until Apple adds streaming WiFi music to the iPod this thing is the ultimate music player.

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