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dfinch 2008-07-03 04:44

[Palm OS] Help! No Icon shows up after app install in Garnet VM
I have just flashed Diablo and installed latest Garnet VM.
I have allocated max memory and all the default apps work fine.

However, I have tried to install a couple of free apps (Pente and Filez that worked on my Palm TX) using the Install button on the right of the initial Garner screen. I browsed to my shared drive on my PC, found the .prc file and selected it. Installation went without an error message and in fact said install was sucessful.

But no Icon shows up. I tried to clean the icon but all I get is the six basic apps. What am I doing wrong?

In addition, has anyone seen a discussion (or know how) to install apps that require a specific key and a specific user (device) name to work?

dfinch 2008-07-03 14:14

Re: Help! No Icon shows up after app install in Garnet VM
One more detail to the previous post, prior to updating to Diablo, I had installed Garnet VM and synched to my PC but this failed with some insufficient memory error. I also could not install any .prc individually. Perhaps my backup before flasing the OS saved some corrupt Palm data and then I restored it?

So could my problem have been inherited from my previous install I wonder?

cheve 2008-07-03 20:08

Re: Help! No Icon shows up after app install in Garnet VM
Have you tried a reboot of the N8xx? I ran into that awhile back(prior to the latest diablo OS); but a reboot helped me get to my icon back in the VM.

good luck

dfinch 2008-07-03 21:54

Re: Help! No Icon shows up after app install in Garnet VM
Even after a reboot I see nothing new.

Are people just installing apps from the right hand install button without any problems?

Or has noone been able to do it and we're all in the same boat with no solution?

Even if you have no solution, would a few people just let me know if you are succeeding or failing with this method of installation. Thanks very much.

Pushwall 2008-07-03 23:42

Re: Help! No Icon shows up after app install in Garnet VM
Yes all the apps in my Garnet VM I've installed using the install button and their icons show correctly. I first always copy the programs over from my PC to one of my external card directories on the Nokia, and then install them from there into Garnet VM using the install button. Sometimes I'll get an error message right after the install. If this happens I then always exit out of Garnet VM and come back in and things are fine.

cheve 2008-07-03 23:48

Re: Help! No Icon shows up after app install in Garnet VM
i can report that I have no problem installing a number of apps (.prc) using the install button(with OS = Diablo). My apps are FileZ, DOF, converter, and a Fuel appl.

wsiebert 2008-07-04 00:18

Re: Help! No Icon shows up after app install in Garnet VM
One possibility: Open one of the six native apps (I reccomend Datebook) then click on the menu icon (the house in the lower left hand corner) Your palm apps may appear in the PALM menu; they will work normally.

dfinch 2008-07-04 03:41

Re: Help! No Icon shows up after app install in Garnet VM
Thanks to all who replied. With the tip of installing from memory card rather than over wifi network I have now installed four apps without a hitch. Especially thank you to pushwall for this tip that made all the difference.

Now I just have to work out how to set my device name and I'll be able to install my paid-for apps. I'm going to start searching the forums for how to do this but if anyone knows, do share. Thanks again.

Pushwall 2008-07-04 04:14

Re: Help! No Icon shows up after app install in Garnet VM

Originally Posted by dfinch (Post 199186)
Now I just have to work out how to set my device name and I'll be able to install my paid-for apps. I'm going to start searching the forums for how to do this but if anyone knows, do share. Thanks again.

The way I did this was to make sure I had an empty Backup folder in Windows (under c:\Program Files\Palm\MyUserID\Backup) and also have under Hotsync Custom menu everything except System set to "Do Nothing".....System was set to "Handheld overwrites Desktop". I then did a hotsync that then did nothing but transfer my Palm's UserID to GarnetVM.

dfinch 2008-07-04 04:24

Re: Help! No Icon shows up after app install in Garnet VM
Excellent!!! It's getting a bit late right now but I'll try this tomorrow (er... today). Went to local AF base tonight and saw some great fireworks!

Just seeing all those Palm apps on my N810 puts a smile on my face. Cheers.

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