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fpp 2006-06-12 19:19

App Wishlist for ITOS2006 ?
Is there a place on the maemo wiki or elsewhere, like there was for the 2005 edition, to suggest/beg for an app to be ported ?

At the rate things are going, by the time the end-user version of the new OS comes out all the goodies we already have, and more, will be available (only better :-). At that point the only thing holding me back from a reflash will be the lack of a local proxy on the 770, like Privoxy. That may sound like a strange requirement, but without one I can't use my phone to browse the web, and I've grown used to mobile access anywhere...

Problem is, none were actually ported to the 2005 OS. I just grabbed the Privoxy arm binary from a Debian mirror and hacked the install and that was that. So I'm afraid none may be ported to the new format either... maybe I should start asking around for someone who has a toolchain set up and the karma to use it (I wouldn't know where to start :-) ?

blazer 2006-06-13 09:39

I'm also waiting for some important packages, but it looks promising - the developers are very quick, you just need to give them some time. Just stumbled upon something looking like a new pim-suite:

fpp 2006-06-13 19:48

Yes, that's the GPE-PIM suite, it was also available for the 2005'OS.
Another very credible candidate is OpenedHand's Calendar-in-the-making, given that they have been involved in maemo from the start and have contributed important pieces of both versions (notably the contacts app in the latest beta).

BanditRider 2006-06-13 19:56

I hope someone re-builds mmc-unionfs

fpp 2006-06-13 20:48

I have no doubt it will reappear even before the final non-beta OS. What I'm anxious about is the niche apps that were *never* ported before (because they could be run as is from arm binaries, or because few people needed them...)

shoegoo 2006-06-13 23:34

Kismet! (without the ghost networks)

mgedmin 2006-06-13 23:46


Originally Posted by fpp
I have no doubt it will reappear even before the final non-beta OS. What I'm anxious about is the niche apps that were *never* ported before (because they could be run as is from arm binaries, or because few people needed them...)

I expect that recompiling them will be as simple as downloading the Debian source package (with apt-get source) and building the deb with dpkg-buildpackage in scratchbox. I could try that, but I don't have the time to upgrade my Nokia 770 to OS2006 beta, so I couldn't test the packages...

In the meantime, why don't you create a new page on the Maemo wiki, say ApplicationCatalogWishlist2006? It's a wiki, everyone can do that.

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