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henrik_6 2008-07-31 13:08

Canola 2 + youtube ="studder"

I post this thread here first, because I´m a newbie on the IT. :D

I bought a N800 last Monday.
I downloaded Canola 2 the first thing I did.

Great appl, just love it.

No to my question.
When I run the Youtube plugin and try to watch videos I have a problem..

Sometimes the video "studders".
Even if i wait for it to buffer through , and also if I save a copy on my IT and play it back it will "studder".

But the problem comes and goes, sometimes it´s OK and sometimes it´s not.

If I open the saved youtube video in mplayer it works every time.

I did a search in the Canola 2 beta 9 thread.
I found some threads about this but not a solution.

OS 2008
Canola 2 Beta9
mplayer .27

Thanks for a great forum...


josiahg777 2008-07-31 14:12

Re: Canola 2 + youtube ="studder"
This question has been brought up a bunch of times and the developers have answered that there really isn't a solution.

The problem is Canola uses Mplayer in "slave" mode which is used to embed mplayer into other applications. In this "slave" mode Mplayer isn't able to decode video quite as well as it is in "normal" mode (when it's run as it's own application).

Also, Mplayer has some issue handling streaming .flv which is what youtube videos are.

So there's nothing that the developers can do really :/ sorry there's no easy solution. You might try another youtube browser/player... there's some others that will launch mplayer as it's own application instead of embedding it.

nobodysbusiness 2008-07-31 14:38

Re: Canola 2 + youtube ="studder"
If you still consider yourself a newbie, then what I'm about to suggest may be a bit tricky. I recently upgraded my Mplayer version to RC2, and described the steps that I followed here. This new RC actually improves performance on flv somewhat, enough that it can play standard YouTube 320x240 videos without stuttering in Canola2. However, this is still an experimental release, so a fair amount of knowledge can be required to carry out the upgrade (ie. how to log in as root, copy files around, etc...)

If you're really interested in diving in, it's something to consider.

Bundyo 2008-07-31 15:17

Re: Canola 2 + youtube ="studder"
In fact there is a solution but it isn't pretty.

Canola 2 is using xv in slave mode but it is slower and more cpu consuming than omapfb. However if your osso_software_version reports that you're using 770, Canola 2 switches to omapfb which doesn't embed too well in it, but it is faster.

Also using MPlayer rc2 may help especially with flv files but has some integration issues with Canola 2 if i remember well.

krisse 2008-07-31 15:58

Re: Canola 2 + youtube ="studder"

So there's nothing that the developers can do really
I have trouble believing this because YouTube used to work absolutely perfectly on Canola 2.

Here it is just a few months ago, the video is totally smooth (skip to 3:59 to see the YouTube plugin in action):

Why is it that the same video doesn't work on Canola 2 now, but it worked fine in April?

What has changed since then?

It's not Diablo because the problems started before July. Has YouTube changed their video format somehow to make life harder for applications that embed the raw file?

Bundyo 2008-07-31 17:17

Re: Canola 2 + youtube ="studder"
Some Youtube videos use H.264, but you have to request it AFAIK.

henrik_6 2008-07-31 21:23

Re: Canola 2 + youtube ="studder"

Originally Posted by nobodysbusiness (Post 208972)
If you still consider yourself a newbie, then what I'm about to suggest may be a bit tricky.

Thanks all!!

It seem that I´m not the only one with this problem :D but a strange thing is that a friend of mine bought a N800 at the same time as I , and we have the exakt sam release, OS and Canola version..
But according to him, he´s never had this problem?!?!?

Nobodysbusiness: Thanks, I´l look in to this. Have to stop beaing a newbie some time right? :rolleyes:

iancumihai 2008-08-01 08:34

Re: Canola 2 + youtube ="studder"

Also using MPlayer rc2 ...
wondering why rc2 is not the current version... :(

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