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GriNN 2008-08-02 19:20

DEFCON for N810?
If you haven't tried this then go out a get it. It's awesome and is absolutely perfect for an IT. Can some brave soul that is much much smarter than I make a port for it?

ukki 2008-08-02 21:16

Re: DEFCON for N810?
That brave soul would have to be a developer of the game.

GriNN 2008-08-03 17:03

Re: DEFCON for N810?
Well, obviously I have no idea how this works. Does it matter that they have a Linux version? There was talk in another thread about Uplink....the same guys made DEFCON.

josiahg777 2008-08-03 22:31

Re: DEFCON for N810?
For someone other than a developer to make a port of a game the game must be open source. (that is the code for the game has to be freely available.) Once we can get the code, we can compile it for the ARMEL processor in our tablets.

However, since DEFCON is commercial software, the developers are EXTREMELY unlikely to release the source code to us. So you'd have to email them and ask them for a port.

GriNN 2008-08-03 23:41

Re: DEFCON for N810?
Ya...I'll email them's worth a try.

josiahg777 2008-08-04 01:29

Re: DEFCON for N810?
It's worth a try :)

On a side note I posted a link to a free clone of Uplink over in that thread... I'm trying to get it to compile now :)

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