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newbiew/Qs 2008-08-24 18:17

Anyone tried flash-based Tringme VOIP?
I know there are several VOIP apps for the N810 but was curious as to whether anyone has tried Tringme, which is supposed to be a flash-based application.

jacobcv 2008-08-25 10:23

Re: Anyone tried flash-based Tringme VOIP?
Tringme flash widget works great on N800. Great quality. However, their phone widget it little big to fit on screen but manageable. Hence, I often use their push-n-talk with preconfigured number.

Actually, it worked much better than my expectation. To be honest, i didn't expect it to work from the tablet. But all I did was fire up the browser, login to the website and start talking. I love the fact that I don't have the install some application upfront to use this service.

Cool service indeed!

mmr 2008-08-25 12:37

Re: Anyone tried flash-based Tringme VOIP?
Hm, can anyone else try out the flashphone, i am able to load it up but the sound isnt working, this is strange considering the above user finds it working (although he may be using opera not microb, would be happy to hear feedback)

geneven 2008-08-25 13:14

Re: Anyone tried flash-based Tringme VOIP?
I just tried the demo and supposedly left a message. The sound worked fine, though I don't know how to listen to the message I left.

sondjata 2008-08-25 13:31

Re: Anyone tried flash-based Tringme VOIP?
given how badly flash performs on my tablet (battery killer) I would be loath to even attempt to use this thing. Even GIZMO has managed to suck my battery down relatively quickly.

jacobcv 2008-08-25 17:13

Re: Anyone tried flash-based Tringme VOIP?
geneven, If you are using voicemail, login to tringme website to check the voicemails

mmr, I use OS2008. I assume is FF based

jacobcv 2008-08-25 17:16

Re: Anyone tried flash-based Tringme VOIP?
mnr, have you clicked on flash box which asks you for microphone access?

mmr 2008-08-25 19:24

Re: Anyone tried flash-based Tringme VOIP?
I have done :( i wonder how it works for you

pavel.ismailov 2011-10-26 06:31

Re: Anyone tried flash-based Tringme VOIP?

Please check
This is RTMP-SIP server for making web calls from the browser to phones
It have built-in FlashPhone and JavaScript Phone

- Audio - Speex, g.711, g.729
- Video - h.263, h.264
- SIP - calls, transfer, hold, DTMF, IM chat
- API - ActionScript, JavaScript
- Open source client
- Open source server java app


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