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Branchedout 2008-08-27 05:55

Where does one find eBooks?
Ah. Many devices give people the option to read eBooks.
Oh, and how they love reading these eBooks!

My question is where they get them.
I can't find no free ones :<

I'd go to the library before I pay for a book.

geneven 2008-08-27 06:48

Re: Where does one find eBooks?
I recommend libraries.

However, this is a PERFECT opportunity to click on the Wiki above -- see it there? On the main page on this site.

There is a section devoted to ebooks and where to get them.

I am currently enamored with but the Gutenberg Project has enough good reading to keep anyone for more than a lifetime. I'm currently rereading Jane Austen downloaded from there.

iamthewalrus 2008-08-27 07:15

Re: Where does one find eBooks?
I've moved the ebook info to the 'mulimedia' section on the Wiki front page for clarity. It was a bit hidden, although not further than a ctrl-f 'ebook' away.

callanish 2008-08-27 07:24

Re: Where does one find eBooks?
I go to the newsgroup binaries alt.binaries.e-books and then convert the e-books into a format that fbreader can work with. Mobipocket also has a big selection of books for purchase and for free. If you have garnet vm installed, you could emulate the mobipocket reader and run it in the Nokia, but the easiest option would be just to use google and do a search for all the free books online and then find the numerous programs out there that will convert it into a readable format.

pixelseventy2 2008-08-27 08:00

Re: Where does one find eBooks?
I buy mine from There are python scripts available to convert them to DRM-free HTML (google). AFAIK this constitutes fair use, as I've paid for them and I don't distribute them, but I want to use them on the device of my choosing.

gowen 2008-08-27 08:18

Re: Where does one find eBooks?
Have a look at Cory Doctorow's site He has a number of books available as free downloads including "Little Brother". I found that the html version displayed best in fbreader.

pycage 2008-08-27 09:22

Re: Where does one find eBooks?
I recommend taking a look at for tons of eBooks of great works where copyright has expired, so that they are free now.

D'ohboy 2008-08-27 12:53

Re: Where does one find eBooks?
Baen books has a free library online .

Branchedout 2008-08-27 13:19

Re: Where does one find eBooks?

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 218035)
I recommend libraries.

However, this is a PERFECT opportunity to click on the Wiki above -- see it there? On the main page on this site.

There is a section devoted to ebooks and where to get them.

I am currently enamored with but the Gutenberg Project has enough good reading to keep anyone for more than a lifetime. I'm currently rereading Jane Austen downloaded from there.

I feel a tad bit less intelligent.
Though I know I've been to a wiki before by clicking a link from here.
And some articles from there were from "The old wiki."

Why is there three different wikis?

But thanks anywho :)
In the event I'm up for a good book, I'll check 'er out.

Edit: Arg. Seems there's no "Thanks" button in off-topic forum. I thank all of you who posted.

Karel Jansens 2008-08-27 14:04

Re: Where does one find eBooks?
Are you looking for ebooks as in: I want to buy some ebooks?
Or as in: I have this sh*tload of paper books that I would like to have as ebooks because I don't want to strain my back carrying them around?

The former is rather easy to solve and has been pointed at above; the latter requires some research and a bit of willpower and restraint. Apparently (I would of course not know) the P2P networks are full of entire libraries of ebooks; one could argue that if one already owns a paper copy of a book, obtaining an electronic version of same would be quite ethical.

The willpower and restraint lies in that one would only keep those torrented ebooks that one indeed already owns.

Naturally: allegedly, apparently and according to rumour and popular lore...

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