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qwavel 2008-09-13 01:56

Diablo without the GUI ??
I am using OS2008 to run some console applications. I have no need for the GUI and would like to know if I can configure OS2008 to boot up without the GUI.

I want to get rid of the GUI not just to preserve resources, but also because the GUI is interfering with my application. For example, it seems that something (presumably a component in the GUI) is controlling the bluetooth.

paulkoan 2008-09-13 03:21

Re: Diablo without the GUI ??
Looks like runlevel 2 is default in /etc/inittab

You could try removing the symlinks from /etc/rc2.d for the parts you don't need...

qwerty12 2008-09-13 15:01

Re: Diablo without the GUI ??
No idea about booting but you can switch to a pure console afterwards using chvt and fanoush's fb_update_mode.

Johnx 2008-09-15 08:01

Re: Diablo without the GUI ??
Is it even running a getty on the console? Nokia's stripped out a lot of basic linux-y stuff to save space...

coffeedrinker 2008-09-15 15:00

Re: Diablo without the GUI ??
Or run a different window manager and don't use hildon-desktop.

qwerty12 2008-09-15 15:06

Re: Diablo without the GUI ??

Originally Posted by Johnx (Post 223977)
Is it even running a getty on the console? Nokia's stripped out a lot of basic linux-y stuff to save space...

Busybox has getty defined, you can start a getty manually.

qwavel 2008-09-16 18:51

Re: Diablo without the GUI ??

Originally Posted by paulkoan (Post 223509)
Looks like runlevel 2 is default in /etc/inittab

You could try removing the symlinks from /etc/rc2.d for the parts you don't need...

Thanks. I'm fairly new to this and I think I would have a hard time picking the right items to remove (without messing things up). Is it safer to remove the entire level - ie. does runlevel 2 equate to the GUI so I could get rid of the entire level?

I guess I'll give it a try and see what happens.

qwavel 2008-09-16 19:09

Re: Diablo without the GUI ??

Originally Posted by paulkoan (Post 223509)
Looks like runlevel 2 is default in /etc/inittab

You could try removing the symlinks from /etc/rc2.d for the parts you don't need...

Thanks. I'm fairly new to this and I think I would have a hard time picking the right items to remove (without messing things up). Is it safer to remove the entire level - ie. does runlevel 2 equate to the GUI so I could get rid of the entire level?

I guess I'll give it a try and see what happens.

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