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pakyooh 2008-09-25 15:33

IT not booting correctly
The last thing I did last night was delete converted videos from my external memory, turned off my IT and charged it overnight. When I got in the office, I turned it on and my main screen was blank. None of my applets were loading. I went through the settings and checked (ticked) my usual applets but after pressing OK, a white window opens and covers the whole screen, freezes the phone for a bit. It allows me to close it via the back button after a couple of seconds.

Any help on whats causing this?

Do I need to reinstall diablo?

mooler 2008-09-25 16:03

Re: IT not booting correctly
Do you have Swap enabled? If so it sounds like a corrupt swap file. Take your memory card out and format it on your pc. See if that helps

pakyooh 2008-09-25 16:17

Re: IT not booting correctly
Sorry to ask this question but is SWAP an app?

Seems like the app thats preventing my IT from booting correctly is the OMweather. I chose (ticked) everything else except that and I seems to be booting fine now.

nhanquy 2008-09-25 18:41

Re: IT not booting correctly
Delete OMweather and then re-install it.

swap is not an app. swap is an area which the OS tricks the CPU think it as if real memory, RAM, to dump/read data to/from. By doing that the machine can run more apps (and faster) because it thinks it has more memory to load apps. For the N8x0, it usually is a FAT file in mmc2. When the swap file is corrupted; we have problems.

pakyooh 2008-09-25 19:04

Re: IT not booting correctly
Thanks, I got it. I'll try to re-install OMweather then.

SWAP is somewhat like demand paging then?

nhanquy 2008-09-25 22:35

Re: IT not booting correctly

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