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qurgh 2008-10-02 16:42

[Debian] Problems installing Deblet
I downloaded the Diablo deblet installer and have been trying to setup debian on my N810s internal card.

Installing the bootmenu worked fine and the deblet installer goes through all it's setup options without any issues. It's starts installing packages (I'm doing to the LXDE install) but after setting up xml-core it fails with:


ch# ['chroot', '/mnt/deblet', 'dpkg-reconfigure', 'console-data']
Package 'console-data' is not installed and no info is avaliable
Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,
and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents
/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: console-data is not installed
Chroot command failed: ['chroot', '/mnt/deblet', 'dpkg-reconfigure', 'console-data']
Cleaning up after our md5sum
Press enter to close window

I tried a basic X install and it failed with a similar message.

Anyone know how to get this working?

Stskeeps 2008-10-02 17:28

Re: Problems installing Deblet
Thanks for the bug report, did you use the GTK or the other setting? If so, try the Dialog one for now. It seems like console-data isn't an dependancy anymore in lenny. I'll look into it.

qurgh 2008-10-02 18:08

Re: Problems installing Deblet
Ok. I used the GTK setting, so I'll try it again with Dialog and let you know what happens.


qurgh 2008-10-02 20:13

Re: Problems installing Deblet
Ok, now it won't boot :D

The installer worked fine (after using Dialog) and the bootmenu reflashed, but when I choose "Deblet on External-MMC-p2" it shows a booting from message for a fraction of a second and then switches to:

Starting linuxrc from deblet-External-MMC-p2 (mmcblk0p2 ext2)...

for about 30 seconds, then the screen gets some off vertical corruption and the tablet reboots back to the bootmenu.

Any ideas?

Stskeeps 2008-10-03 06:51

Try editing /etc/bootmenu.d/ item to say INT_CARD instead, and run refresh_bootmenu.d.

blueterrance 2008-10-03 08:30

Re: Problems installing Deblet
I have a n810 and I had the same problem as you with the GTK error. I got it to install using the dialog option, and now mine doesn't boot into deblet either, in just the same way as yours doesn't boot. My configuration:

LXDE install
dialog (not gtk)
partitioned external mmc: 6GB ext3, 128MB swap, 2GB unused

blueterrance 2008-10-03 08:46

Re: Problems installing Deblet
Ah hah, I got it to boot by editing the /etc/bootmenu.d/ item

It said "INT_CARD" in there when really it was on the external card, so I changed it to EXT_CARD and now it boots.

Stskeeps 2008-10-03 08:46

Re: Problems installing Deblet
Yeah, - sorry if you're running into bad problems right now, the one on page is the one about to be released, so I appreciate any effort in trying to find out what's wrong :)

When reporting, I need your bootmenu version (dpkg -l bootmenu), installer version (dpkg -l deblet-installer), and your /etc/bootmenu.d items

blueterrance 2008-10-03 09:11

Re: Problems installing Deblet
Ok I'll give you that info sometime after I reboot. I set my root password during the install but now that I'm in LXDE it won't work when I try sudo or su.

qurgh 2008-10-03 13:18

Re: Problems installing Deblet
I switched the EXT_CARD for INT_CARD in the bootmenu.d item file and Debian started right up.

I have a couple of issues/suggestions

Add the created user to the sudoers file during setup
Any chance of a keymap guide? (ie how do I do | or tab)
Ctrl+key shortcuts don't work in nano
Is there a way to make the Fn key on the N810 sticky?

Any chance of using the information here to boot the tablet quicker?

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