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onhands 2008-10-02 17:24

How yo get a internet tablet in Israel
I am Dieing to buy a nokia internet tablet even if its just the 770 but i cant find any for sale in Israel does anyone know of any were i can get one in Israel/???

eliagp 2008-10-02 17:31

Re: How yo get a internet tablet in Israel
You can try ebay. You need to change the option in Location
Shipping available to: Israel" Or you can ask in the Buy and Sell forums for someone willing to send the tablet trough fedex or similar.

onhands 2008-10-02 18:17

Re: How yo get a internet tablet in Israel
does anyone know of some1 who sells in my location?? i would rather pick it up then have it sent by mail

omegaone37 2008-10-02 18:49

Re: How yo get a internet tablet in Israel
I remember reading somewhere that selling devices in Israel that have wifi is forbidden... having them isn't. I may be wrong in this, but check the laws regarding the sale of wifi products in Israel.



Local Goyim boy...

onhands 2008-10-02 18:53

Re: How yo get a internet tablet in Israel
no i know for a fact thats not true

omegaone37 2008-10-02 18:55

Re: How yo get a internet tablet in Israel
I stand corrected then...


oldmancoyote1 2008-10-03 03:31

Re: How yo get a internet tablet in Israel
Question: How yo get a internet tablet in Israel?

Answer: You steal it from a Palestinian.

chyang 2008-10-03 06:20

Re: How yo get a internet tablet in Israel
you can find some one in USA or Europe who can help.

giladmttw 2008-10-03 07:13

Re: How yo get a internet tablet in Israel
You can buy 770 or n800 used from ebay. I used to buy the n800 from amazon. the n800 is not being manufactured any more, but you can get the n810 which has gps, sliding keyboard and a better screen. The price is still a joke for such a device.

macit 2008-10-03 07:24

Re: How yo get a internet tablet in Israel

This is funny... I live in the states but came now Israel for a visit. I have two NITs with me (N810 and N800). I just got my N810 and want to sell my N800 (3 months old, PERFECT condition).


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