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qwerty12 2008-12-10 17:21

Kismet SVN
Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic.

Kismet identifies networks by passively collecting packets and detecting standard named networks, detecting (and given time, decloaking) hidden networks, and infering the presence of nonbeaconing networks via data traffic.

I compiled the latest SVN, applied tz1's patch to enable the GPS successfully if you wish it to, modified the config files to make it save in /media/mmc2/kismet and wrote a script that starts it for you properly.

WARNING: The config files use channels by default that is designated for people outside the US, you may get ****ed over by the authorities if you run kismet in the US with all the channels enabled.

I've ran kismet for 17 and 24 hours fine. Any longer, and it probably will mess up but at least it can run for more than a hour :)

The script will save your current autoconnect & search interval settings and then disable autoconnect and searching automatically as they mess up kismet. You then have 5 seconds before your current wifi connection is disconnected and if it doesn't exist, the logtemplate directory will be made as to stop kismet from exitting if it doesn't exist. After you close kismet, the internet connection will be reset so you don't have to reboot to use the internet again and your autoconnect & search interval settings will be restored.


You need libpcap to run it:

For my script, you need:

- Wireless tools - so that the internet connection can be reset without rebooting:

- Rootsh - so that the internet connection can be reset (I run commands as root and I can't be arsed to make a sudoers file):

- Aircrack - so that you have something to crack the dumps with and so that you can reset the internet connection:

Source and deb here:

TA-t3 2008-12-10 17:29

Re: Kismet SVN

After you close kismet, the internet connection will be reset so you don't have to reboot to use the internet again and your autoconnect & search interval settings will be restored.
Aahh! That was the most annoying problem with the original kismet (which I still have installed), which is why I'm not using it much. Very good.

Rassilon7 2008-12-10 18:59

Re: Kismet SVN
Just tried to load the "Libpcap" package via application manager and it gave me an unsupported package alert.

Should I be doing this via xterm?

scanman717 2008-12-11 01:33

Re: Kismet SVN
i get the same message...

joy_fun_man 2008-12-24 17:29

Re: Kismet SVN
You may find the deb file for diablo on gronmayer

use the search button with "libpcap0.8" and install the Maemo diablo/tools repository

joy_fun_man 2008-12-24 17:35

Re: Kismet SVN
if you prefer to save and trasferring the deb file to your tablet


remove the *

scanman717 2008-12-25 19:30

Re: Kismet SVN
Same error using the above libpcap0.8

mikkov 2008-12-25 22:38

Re: Kismet SVN
use apt-get or dpkg. this isn't meant to be user friendly

ernia 2008-12-29 20:49

Re: Kismet SVN
i've tryed it today, no stop detection problems, i could get gps data with internal gps and minigpsd, but when you lanch the program from the icon it launch the server then hangs (but with the server correctly working in the background) before to launch the client. I've just opened another xterm and launch the client there and i got gps-data. Sure the fix is not so fast, you have to be patient..tomorrow i will check if i've misconfigured some option somewhere and if it's possible to have the correct behavior.
with no gps data it works perfectly.
Thanks qwerty12

tz1 2008-12-30 20:31

Re: Kismet SVN
With GPS enabled (on the tablet using the hildon/bt calls instead of minigpsd or plain gpsd), sometimes it takes a bit longer for the server to come up to open the socket for the client. If the client is started before the server is ready, it just exits. The time it takes to get to the xterm, the server is usually ready.

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