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thoughtfix 2006-07-23 02:20

Synergy keyboard/mouse sharing

That should be cake to port. Anyone want to give it a try?

aflegg 2006-07-23 08:27

There's already a Garage project doing it.

I *think* the issue is still displaying a mouse cursor on the 770, BICBW.

MikeL 2007-06-30 08:42

Re: Synergy keyboard/mouse sharing
This concept sounds very interesting if it can be made to work with the Internet Tablets GUI and installed Apps consistently.
(Mouse cursor issue on IT to resolve?)

The ability to control multiple Personal computing devices on your network from one Keyboard and mouse, just by installing a piece of software sounds sweet to me. --edit--- Synergy manages clipboard cut and paste operations between Devices ;)

QuickSynergy is a graphical user interface (GUI) for configuring Synergy2. Compiled for IT2007 (bora).

I have not installed it yet, but it's one to keep an eye on :)

---edit--- QuickSynergy for MAC OS & Linux PC's, with a short demo YouTube Video

st5150 2008-09-28 04:44

Re: Synergy keyboard/mouse sharing
Hey guys, it has been a year. Anyone made any progress on this for OS2008/Diablo? This application would be extremely helpful!

Click here if you're asking yourself "What's Synergy2?"

qwerty12 2008-09-28 08:10

Re: Synergy keyboard/mouse sharing
It's already been ported to os2008 WITH quicksynergy + a way to show the mouse cursor, search this forum.

st5150 2008-09-28 20:29

Re: Synergy keyboard/mouse sharing
Found the thread with the debs but it doesn't seem to install under Diablo. Can anyone get it to work under diablo?

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