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-   -   Step to step guide: SAFE upgrade to Diablo-5.2008.43-7 from ANY version (

bunanson 2008-12-19 08:07

Step to step guide: SAFE upgrade to Diablo-5.2008.43-7 from ANY version
This upgrade method is for ANY Diablo early versions, messed up Diablo versions (installed but not installed, e.g. the 30-2 limbo), probably will also work with Chinook too.

You will lose your bootup menu. This will get your bootmenu back,

You will NOT lose your wifi passwords as well as most other settings.

This upgrade method is mainly for people who are "phobia" from previous "SSU" upgrades as well as those want to skip upgrades, e.g. go direct from 23-14 to 43-7 without going thru upgrades in between, 30-2, 36-5

1) NIT Software Update Wizard installed (dl the newest one from
2) Menu/Settings/Backup/restore/New Backup, check all of them, mine is about 18 MB
3) delete apps/books/manual/media files/what nots to make 80 MB space on rootfs, check with diskusage; not quite sure this step is necessary...
4) run NIT Software Update Wizard
5) connect nokia to window box and turn on the N800 while holding/pressing the swap key, the lowest key on the 3 key button, with the icon like a house.
6) 5.2008.43-7 showed up as the latest Diablo, follow on screen instructions
7) when reboot, do a simple setup, the 4 screens setup
8) answer yes when prompted with restoring the latest backup
9) with internet connected, answer yes to "dl and install ALL programs?"
10) press OK to every single apps installed!.... "27 apps successfully installed'
11) You survived!

Upgraded from 4.2008.23-14 (with the messed up 30-2 in a limbo) to Diablo-5.22008.43-7 without a single glitch and wifi connected with password all by ITSELF! No mess up with any settings!

SD boot/bootup menu etc will have to wait for the masters :)

The upgrade tooke less than 1 minute. Whole process to reinstall apps took 22 min, not one single glitch! YMMV.

Edit: Here is a step by step guide to re-gain your bootmenu,



deluxe 2008-12-19 13:56

Re: Step to step guide: SAFE upgrade to Diablo-5.2008.43-7 from ANY version
Well, I have a n810, the latest upgrade showed up in App Manager last night so I flashed it. it seemed to flash fine, got to the rebooting stage, showed the home page, then kept on rebooting, and rebooting, and....
After a while I got tired of watching it flail around, so I took out the battery (the only way to stop the rebooting) connected the tablet to my laptop and flashed from the beginning.....essentially following the same steps as above.
This time there was no rebooting loop, all my apps got reinstalled fine, and all my data and files are back in place.

luso 2008-12-19 20:57

Re: Step to step guide: SAFE upgrade to Diablo-5.2008.43-7 from ANY version
I updated the OS without problems, but the bootmenu-installer available in pinguinbait site does not run.

I look forward for a new bootmenu-installer, as all my applications are installed in the SD card....

If anyone knows where I can find it please let us know.

Thanks ;-)

bunanson 2008-12-19 23:27

Re: Step to step guide: SAFE upgrade to Diablo-5.2008.43-7 from ANY version
Try this one,, thread #10.


bunanson 2008-12-20 09:55

Re: Step to step guide: SAFE upgrade to Diablo-5.2008.43-7 from ANY version

Originally Posted by luso (Post 250959)
I updated the OS without problems, but the bootmenu-installer available in pinguinbait site does not run.

I look forward for a new bootmenu-installer, as all my applications are installed in the SD card....

If anyone knows where I can find it please let us know.

Thanks ;-)

Step by step guide to regain boot menu after the 43-7 upgrade,


tz1 2008-12-22 16:29

Re: Step to step guide: SAFE upgrade to Diablo-5.2008.43-7 from ANY version
Not quite. At least if you've installed anything manually or by .deb files, you have to reinstall the individual .deb files.

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