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pronvit 2008-12-23 02:59

WebKit engine for default browser
Here is beta version of webkit engine for default Maemo browser. This will make default maemo browser use webkit and get very-very big javascript performance boost and better support for new standards.


entering some text in url field that doesn't look like url will open google search
file downloading doesn't work
cookies work
zoom works
finger scrolling works
find on page works
setting home page works
options like load images, accept cookies, enable javascript, select encoding do nothing

I tested it on clean system with latest firmware, tell me if you'll have some problems with package installation or anything else on your system

tso 2008-12-23 04:00

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
now to free up the space needed for the install...

allnameswereout 2008-12-23 04:04

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
:eek: la Grande!


Originally Posted by tso (Post 251911)
now to free up the space needed for the install...

mmmm, remove Fennec & Xulrunner... ;)

Benson 2008-12-23 04:12

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by pronvit (Post 251898)
I still need to make some fixes but soon I'll post precompiled binaries and installation instructions for latest webkit and webkit-eal. This will make default maemo browser use webkit and get very-very big javascript performance boost and better support for new standards.

This is a newer webkit than the one in extras now, then? Should give tear a boost as well...

pronvit 2008-12-23 04:20

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
only 10mb for webkit library..

yes, it's much newer.
I respect efforts to create alternative browser but why develop/use Tear instead of default maemo browser which is more mature and stable if we can use newest engine in it and even switch engines?

TrueJournals 2008-12-23 04:29

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
WANT. And, you say we can even switch engines on a whim? WANT.

Benson 2008-12-23 04:31

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by pronvit (Post 251917)
I respect efforts to create alternative browser but why develop/use Tear instead of default maemo browser if we can use newest engine in it and even switch engines?

Because I like it. :p

More objective reasons: potentially lighter-weight (this should be minimal, though), and definitely unconstrained by Nokia's UI spec (major).

Also, back when last I messed with swapping engines (opera and microb under OS2007), I saw a lot of bugs (or maybe even correct, but strange, behaviors) pertaining to engine swapping. I just ditched microb, as OS2008 was almost ready anyway. While some of that may have been fixed, and it certainly can be fixed, it can also be bypassed entirely, and right now I see no significant benefit to running microb vs. webkit.

pronvit 2008-12-23 04:34

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
it's harder to do switching on the fly but close browser-switch-reopen is easy (however I have some problems with browser daemon process which ignores settings and tries to load not right engine sometimes, I need to fix this before making it public)

pronvit 2008-12-23 04:40

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
yes I see some benefits of Tear (it can be much lightweighter than maemo browser because of complex client/server architecture of latter), but it really still need much work to be stable (it crashes very often on my device) and integrated into the system (I mean bookmarks and so on). I'm not sure there are enough developers and free time to do this, unfortunately. If they will succeed I'll be very glad, but I will focus on integrating webkit into default browser.

TrueJournals 2008-12-23 04:43

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Well, on the fly being having to close and reopen the browser is fine. What I meant was that we won't have to go through some complicated process (perhaps involving uninstalling webkit) in order to switch.

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