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gonzo1082 2009-01-07 18:03

Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!

I just bought this thing. It was good while it lasted.

I'm moving on. Wimax has reached portland but it's not compatible with the n810w tablet. WTF.

Frank Banul 2009-01-07 18:09

Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Being first to market has it's challenges. Risk/reward.


qwerty12 2009-01-07 18:11

Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
I just feel sorry for the people who actually bought one...

sondjata 2009-01-07 18:28

Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Especially at the price!

EIPI 2009-01-07 18:31

Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Too bad indeed. It had a lot of potential. I like this statement:


At this rate, WiMAX is starting to make BetaMax look like a good investment.

chlettn 2009-01-07 18:59

Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Even Intel doesn't exactly seem thrilled about WiMAX anymore...

Given how Sprint struggles already, I don't see much of a future for WiMAX, especially with LTE being not that far off, and HSPA working well already, pretty much anywhere (are least here in Europe)...

luso 2009-01-07 19:16

Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!

sjgadsby 2009-01-07 19:32

Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!

Originally Posted by MobileBurn
Distributors have apparently been asked to send any remaining stock back to Nokia.

So much for picking up a deeply discounted unit just for the color scheme. Shame, that.

EDIT: I don't see it happening, but it would be nifty if the Maemo folks within Nokia could get their hands on the returned N810 WiMAX Edition stock so as to offer the units up as part of a variant of the Developer Device Program. Sure Maemo 5 and OMAP3 are the future, but rock-bottom priced--or perhaps even free--N810 WiMAX Edition tablets would surely be appreciated. I expect the Mer folks could use some test machines, and there are other developers with N800s who have commented they'd like to make more N810-specific tweaks, but don't have the hardware. I think Maemo developers would understand the little WiMAX markings might be nothing more than curiosities soon and not complain.

namtastic 2009-01-07 21:38

Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!

Originally Posted by gonzo1082 (Post 255184)
Wimax has reached portland but it's not compatible with the n810w tablet. WTF.

WTF, indeed. Sounds like it was a real winner, that WiMAX.

Benson 2009-01-07 21:52

Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!

Oh, well, Nokia has to do something with them now... maybe they'll show up on woot or something.

Or maybe they'll pull the WiMAX modules out and sell them as N810s with the alternate color-scheme (which I like much better). Or dev treats, as sjgadsby suggests.

This whole thing's a shame; the N810W'd have been so bleeping killer if Xohm would have launched way back when they were announced...

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