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sanchi 2009-01-10 14:28

ankimaemi 0.0.3

ankimaemi is a GTK frontend to anki, a friendly, intelligent spaced repetition learning system.

ankimaemi 0.0.3 has been released:

The deck and the sync account can now be set in ankimaemi. Ankimaemi now uses gconf to save the settings, and will use the last used deck.

Sound file playback is now possible with wav and mp3.

This release also fixes some bugs (decks were not closed properly).

As this is fairly new software, and actually my first on maemo, I would appreciate feedback from fellow ITTers.


DalLL 2009-01-10 16:54

Re: ankimaemi 0.0.3
Hi can you post the link for the python gtkhtml deb? i can't seem to find it in the devel extras repository

allnameswereout 2009-01-10 17:01

Re: ankimaemi 0.0.3
Yes, I noticed. Very interesting! I'm very much interested in testcases of this program!!

FrankWalzer 2009-01-10 22:53

Re: ankimaemi 0.0.3

Originally Posted by DalLL (Post 256156)
Hi can you post the link for the python gtkhtml deb? i can't seem to find it in the devel extras repository

I had to use Red Pill mode to install that lib.

sanchi 2009-01-11 01:14

Re: ankimaemi 0.0.3
python-gtkhtml2 would be from

i installed it in blue pill from command line (sudo gainroot; apt-get install python-gtkhtml2) after adding extras-devel repo (click this link from the tablet:
which is better than installing by hand because python-gtkhtml2 itself depends on a lot of stuff:
Depends: libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.12.2), libc6 (>= 2.5.0-1), libcairo2 (>= 1.4.10), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.12.12-1osso10), libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2:2.10.12-0osso15), libgtkhtml2-0 (>= 2.11.1), libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.16.4), libxml2 (>= 2.6.27), python2.5-gtk2

which you'd all have to search for manually if you want to install that by hand.

DalLL 2009-01-11 05:25

Re: ankimaemi 0.0.3
Thanks! I did have to go into red pill mode. Guess I can uninstall ankimini now.

heelio 2009-01-11 05:49

Re: ankimaemi 0.0.3
Where can I find the anki program which it also says it wants?

allnameswereout 2009-01-11 12:27

Re: ankimaemi 0.0.3

Originally Posted by heelio (Post 256364)
Where can I find the anki program which it also says it wants?

One the same homepage there is one provided. Look around again, this time more carefully... :)

heelio 2009-01-11 15:04

Re: ankimaemi 0.0.3
If that's the one listed under ankimini, it wants python-sqlalchemy and python-simplejson so where are those?

sanchi 2009-01-11 16:05

Re: ankimaemi 0.0.3
they are also under the ankimini release

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