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solca 2009-01-20 11:39

[Android] NITdroid 0.4.x
NITdroid 0.4.x releases:

0.4.3 (Mar/15/2009) Release Highlights:
  • Updated AndAppStore client (SoftwareDirectory v.1.2.3).
  • Dalvik VM tunables tweaks for better performance.
  • Changes by the upstream Android project.

0.4.2 (Jan/30/2009) Release Highlights:
  • Improved battery metering by replacing kcbatt for a modified retu-adc, special thanks to Matan for retu-adc.c and for providing insights about the RETU registers.
  • Updated WiFi driver.
  • Random fixes upstream by Google.

0.4.1 (Jan/26/2009) Release Highlights:
  • Switched back to phone policy until MID matures.
  • Many changes upstream by Google.

0.4.0 (Jan/20/2009) Release Highlights:
  • Switched to MID policy.
  • Many changes upstream by Google.
  • Thanks to for asking me to include their App installer client which is included in this release.

Kernel releases:

2.6.28-5 (Jan/25/2009) Release Highlights:
  • Based on stable
  • Based on latest omap-2.6.28 branch of the Linux OMAP tree.

2.6.28-4 (Jan/20/2009) Release Highlights:
  • Based on stable
  • Based on latest omap-2.6.28 branch of the Linux OMAP tree.

meizirkki 2009-01-20 12:00

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Since you started a new thread, it would be good to add links.

gowen 2009-01-20 12:43

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Here is the project home page:

EasternPA 2009-01-20 15:10

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Flashed and reformatted partition 3. Booted fine. Soft keyboard app crashed multiple times while entering my WEP key. I was excited to see the Software Directory icon in the app folder, but so far it fails to populate the list of installable apps. Wifi and browser work fine.

The blue and red "IM" app has never launched for me ever. The app folder starts to slide out of the way but immediately returns to its open position.

Don't forget to re-enable the Debug mode when USB is attached to make adb work again (I forgot!) Any chance we can delete Snake and IM and replace them with Meebo or aTweeter?

Chelloveck 2009-01-20 16:03

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 258814)
Since you started a new thread, it would be good to add links.

And maybe even give a hint about what NITdroid actually does. I've never heard of it before. Just sayin'.

meizirkki 2009-01-20 16:06

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
New release and AndAppStore.coms Software Directory worked well on my n810.

Thanks again solca :P

I found only 2 things that aren't working in thi MID-version.
- Power-button
- Screen orientation in browser can no more be flipped.

EasternPA 2009-01-20 16:12

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 258845)
New release and AndAppStore.coms Software Directory worked well on my n810.

Thanks again solca :P

I found only 2 things that aren't working in thi MID-version.
- Power-button
- Screen orientation in browser can no more be flipped.

Same here for the power button. I'm also unable to locate shutdown in adb. Is it still in the rootfs?

How long do you have to wait for the Software Directory to populate, and are you able to install apps via that utility?

EasternPA 2009-01-20 16:25

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by Chelloveck (Post 258844)
And maybe even give a hint about what NITdroid actually does. I've never heard of it before. Just sayin'.

NITdroid is the product of an effort to port Google's Android to Nokia's Nx0 (770, 800, 810, 810W) line of Internet Tablets.

meizirkki 2009-01-20 16:44

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by EasternPA (Post 258846)
Same here for the power button. I'm also unable to locate shutdown in adb. Is it still in the rootfs?

How long do you have to wait for the Software Directory to populate, and are you able to install apps via that utility?

When the notice about download came, i just pressed the back button and started browsing the internet. After a short while (~2min?) i came back to Software direcory and it was done. Did you press the back button when the notice about download came?

EasternPA 2009-01-20 18:26

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 258853)
When the notice about download came, i just pressed the back button and started browsing the internet. After a short while (~2min?) i came back to Software direcory and it was done. Did you press the back button when the notice about download came?

I've had it sit for 5 minutes or more without producing a directory. I have a theory, however. To avoid surfing with 'links' on my Linux host, I tried to download the apk with the android browser, followed by an adb pull and an adb install. The browser refuses to save any files since I don't have a separate SD card. I wonder if the software directory refuses to download and save anything without an SD card.

Do you have a separate SD card?

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