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Jejoma 2006-08-04 14:36

JPGs in emails
When I create a new email and embed a jpg in it I can see the picture in the email but when I receive an email with an embedded jpg I can't see the picture. l just get a blank frame where the picture should be.

Can anyone please tell me how to sort this out?

Xyzo 2006-08-04 15:12

Same problem here..

Originally Posted by Jejoma
When I create a new email and embed a jpg in it I can see the picture in the email but when I receive an email with an embedded jpg I can't see the picture. l just get a blank frame where the picture should be.

Can anyone please tell me how to sort this out?

I've noticed the same and I haven't been able to find any answer about this on the web? Any idea?

Arjun 2006-08-04 15:21


Originally Posted by Xyzo
I've noticed the same and I haven't been able to find any answer about this on the web? Any idea?

I am not entirely sure of this, but I think you will have to download the attachment that you wish to view. The reason for this could be that Nokia 770 is not entirely a computer, that it would automatically open and display the embedded files. :)

gowen 2006-08-06 07:14

You will see this behaviour in a number of email clients. It was found that malicious code could be called run on a machine by causing a buffer overflow in the image display code. So as a safeguard display of inline images is disabled. Thunderbird gives you the option to display them on request, Sqirrelmail doesn't. I guess the N770 email client is in the second camp.

Jejoma 2006-08-06 16:56


Originally Posted by gowen
You will see this behaviour in a number of email clients. It was found that malicious code could be called run on a machine by causing a buffer overflow in the image display code. So as a safeguard display of inline images is disabled. Thunderbird gives you the option to display them on request, Sqirrelmail doesn't. I guess the N770 email client is in the second camp.

Thanks for the reply. It makes for a frustating email program. I'll have to look out for an alternative.

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