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pton 2009-02-16 00:36

N800 screen vibrates and scrolls by itself
My N800 screen starts to vibrates/jerks intermittently 2 days ago. And today, it get worse -- the screen even scrolls by itself. It seems to be a problem in idle state. If I run some program, I hardly notice the problem. But if the screen stays still (not changing), then I can notice the vibration (and scrolling) problem.

Is this a software or hardware problem?? Anybody got any solution please?

Thank you!:(

luca 2009-02-16 16:36

Re: N800 screen vibrates and scrolls by itself
Welcome to the club.
Look here:

eliagp 2009-02-16 17:00

Re: N800 screen vibrates and scrolls by itself
look for something blocked between the screen and the plastic edge.
Sometimes that gives a touchscreen signal and it does odd stuff.
Once my touchscreen stopped working, and I did everything I could with the software only to find later that there was a very small rock jammed there. A needle was the Ultimate solution. Hope you can get it to work again

pton 2009-02-17 00:19

Re: N800 screen vibrates and scrolls by itself
Hi eliagp: I tried, it didn't work for me :( Nonetheless, I have an 'interesting' observation and (interim) solution. As long as I open up the virtual keyboard, the screen stops jittering. So for now, I have the matchbox-keyboard installed from the extras repository, wrote a one-row mini keyboard, and keep it opened on the bottom of the screen. Not very pretty and a little obstructive, but it works! My screen is at least stable now. Funny huh? I wonder what the keyboard got to do with jittering???

luca 2009-02-17 16:33

Re: N800 screen vibrates and scrolls by itself
Maybe if you read my post you'd know that it has something do to with the brightness in some part of the screen, in your case it seems to be the bottom, in my case it was the right edge.
Unfortunately with time it'll get worse.

pton 2009-02-19 07:08

Re: N800 screen vibrates and scrolls by itself
Hi luca, in my case, I don't see any black lines (horizontal or vertical) at all. The screen simply jitters/vibrates and sometimes it simply scrolls down about 1/3 and then bounces back to the top. The interesting thing is that the problem is gone as long as I have a keyboard opens, or have the apps (not all) run in full screen mode (any kind of background color). I've installed xkbd which can be minimized to simply two little boxes on the bottom right corner. It works (even when minimized). I'll live with it and hope that it won't get worse. I bought the unit overseas (much cheaper) and got problem getting it serviced under warrantly :(

luca 2009-02-19 17:57

Re: N800 screen vibrates and scrolls by itself
Yes, you have different symptoms, but the "cure" seems to be the same: have a bright image in some part of the screen.
Mine was also an overseas unit, however nokia didn't even reply to my email asking where I could get it repaired (obviously not under warranty), so I ended up replacing the screen myself.
As you can see in the above thread my supplier has no screen in stock now, but there are other suppliers.
However, as long as it works with your "hack" there's no need to replace it.

pton 2009-02-20 00:16

Re: N800 screen vibrates and scrolls by itself
Hi luca, thank you. I just hope it won't fail me! I've used about 5 Palms and 1 Sony, and none of them broke down before I retire them. This Nokia N800 seems to be the worst of them in terms of quality.

Edit 02-22-2009: Bad luck, my LCD is now unusable :( It just keep scrolling. Looks like I'll live without one for sometime ...

Stskeeps 2009-03-21 08:44

Re: N800 screen scrolls by itself (Another N800 becoming ill)
I think I'll have to register with the people who have a N800 that exhibits same symptoms :/ - as my faithful companion has become ill.

My N800 was bought may-june 2008 through Amazon, but through the US, so I'm not covered by warranty repairs, being in Europe and it seems like the LCD supplies have dried out and I don't have the cash for getting a new one currently.

Yesterday, I came to my office, where my N800 was charging through a AC-3E - which it had difficulties with earlier in the day. Previously, I had the issues of the dark spots on right side of screen as well. At that point my tablet was vertically scrolling on the charging menu. Later that evening, it continued doing the same.

I tried booting Mer, and the rotating happened as well in our splash screen, which is basically apply a fb image and apply a manual update of the framebuffer. And this means, contrary to my initial beliefs, that it is not a userland problem of Maemo (that is, X server isn't to blame) - so it is either the hardware or kernel issue.

It currently does not do this all the time (yet..) but it certainly limits the usability when it -does- happen.

You can see what happens on

For what it's worth, I should be able to continue developing Mer, as I have a N800 in my office, but without a properly working personal N800, it will be difficult to do proper N800 development in my free time - but I hope I can rely on the testers in the project to test things. :)

A plus is also the fact that we began with making Mer, it was with the goal to make Mer portable - and hence I still have the X86 version of Mer (which is pretty similar to the one running on tablet), so I can still work on the portable part of it, and try my best with the 770 if I need to test something..

luca 2009-03-21 11:45

Re: N800 screen scrolls by itself (Another N800 becoming ill)

Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 273468)
My N800 was bought may-june 2008 through Amazon, but through the US, so I'm not covered by warranty repairs, being in Europe and it seems like the LCD supplies have dried out and I don't have the cash for getting a new one currently.

Slightly less than a year. I'm starting to think it was a defective batch, since all similar reports here are about devices around one year old :(
I hope my replacement screen is not part of the defective batch and it will last more, even though it doesn really matter since....

Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 273468)
For what it's worth, I should be able to continue developing Mer, as I have a N800 in my office, but without a properly working personal N800, it will be difficult to do proper N800 development in my free time - but I hope I can rely on the testers in the project to test things. :)

...with support dropped by nokia, and the development of alternatives hindered by your failing unit, I don't see a future for the n800.
Oh, well, I learnt my lesson: don't buy brands that overcharge you for being in Europe and drop product support in less than a year.

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