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histrel 2009-02-18 23:09

Uses for an N800
I have an N800 gathering dust at the moment. It has OS 2008 and 2 x 4GB SD cards.

My Asus 4GB eee does the home surfing. My BB Storm does email etc on the go. There are very few wi-fi spots in my area so the NIT is getting bored.

Any creative suggestions for how I can best utilise my gadget? I am not a newbie and can follow decent directions for installs and so on. I have a Windows Vista laptop (unfortunately lol) and a PC running the latest Ubuntu. I also have a PS3 if you can think of anything to go with that. I don't need GPS as I rarely travel outside my known area. The Storm does my mp3 and videos (16GB card inside) so that's not needed.

I know there's a use out there - just point me in the direction and I'll give it a go.

ace 2009-02-18 23:34

Re: Uses for an N800
Photo frame? The N800's big, high-res screen makes it an excellent photo viewer. And it's more portable than your netbook.

s2k 2009-02-18 23:58

Re: Uses for an N800
Using mine as a webcam viewer at my desk now. It has collected dust since the day I got the iPhone. The N800 is a nice device but just not a nice ot use as the iPhone IMHO, so it fell of my daily use list until today for months.

pipeline 2009-02-19 00:31

Re: Uses for an N800
My n800 serves duty on a night stand :
- tuning internet radio (or fm radio),
- using alarms
- I can tune into my ripped dvd collection stored as xvids off a windows share
- tune into mp3 collection available via upnp.
- check weather radar if storms nearby
- That and you can always use as a flashlight if needed (power outage)

And how many times do you wake up in the middle of night and need to google something to complete your dream... well now you can use the n800!

Its tethered to some bose companion 2 speakers and without a real dock that limits its mobility a bit but it works pretty well and sounds great.

hordeman 2009-02-19 00:36

Re: Uses for an N800
This thread depresses me. :)

Thesandlord 2009-02-19 00:46

Re: Uses for an N800
1) Plug it into your stereo for internet radio that can be controlled remotely
2) BitTorrent baby!

buhao 2009-02-19 00:53

Re: Uses for an N800

Originally Posted by hordeman (Post 265519)
This thread depresses me. :)

Same here. I use my n800 every day for most of my computing and communicating needs. The thought of a n800 gathering dust somewhere makes me sad. Oh well. Back to browsing on my tablet.

gpmartinson 2009-02-19 01:34

Re: Uses for an N800
really. a picture frame....a night light! man, I want to hang out at the home of someone that uses a full-scale internet tablet as a night-light.

depressing. dead-on.

dickcheney 2009-02-19 01:45

Re: Uses for an N800
You could drill a hole into the top edge to where it meets the stylus holder slot and use it as a hash pipe.

pipeline 2009-02-19 02:46

Re: Uses for an N800
Heh its retired... man i put that thing through some hell... i feel bad for it.

But its got 32 gigs of memory so you dont need to feel sorry for it... it was also the test 'bed' for my overnight torrent 'testing', so i guess i havent been too easy on it.

I probably use my auxillary n800 more than most use their only IT.

But in keeping with depressing, if you bought the official nokia case then you could use
the magnets to attach the n800 to your car's liscense plate and flash curse messages to people behind you via wifi.

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