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BrentDC 2009-02-20 22:29

Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
Update: Version 0.3.0 is now available for download, new features in this version are:

* Switched to hildon.banner for information/warnings/errors
* Now has Open button in settings dialog for easy file navigation
* Now uses hildonhelp for builtin help
* Simplified About Dialog
* Added Donations sub menuitem
* Initial release of Quick Clip Viewer (beta)
* Now packaged with dpkg-buildpackage

You can download this version from here.

Original post below.


Today I am happy to announce the release of Quick Clip 0.2. If you've been following along with Quick Clip's development, you'll know that I've been actively working to make it more robust and user friendly.

If you are unfamiliar with Quick Clip, here's a brief rundown:

Quick Clip is a statusbar plugin for the Nokia Internet Talets and maemo operating system that easily allows you to save off text data. Whether the text be something you want to jot down, or contained in a webpage, Quick Clip automates the whole process.

It just takes a couple of clicks to save off a peice of information. And best of all, with Quick Clip's easy to use interface and easy data categorization ability, you'll never misplace that information you wanted to save.

That said, there are quite a few new features in this release:
  • You can now specify whether the Options/History menu appears on the top or bottom of your target files
  • There is a whole new "Manage Files" dialog; gone is the editable wordlist in Notes. You can now use the Manage Files menu item to easily add, rename, sort, and delete your target files.
  • I also considerably cleaned up the code (there still is a bit more work to do), so things should run quicker and cleaner.
  • I've also heavily worked on making the installation more seamless. I don't think there will be all the upgrade problems we had last time.
  • Quick Clip is no longer a beta, but a full blown release
But there are still a few limitations/things you should be aware of:
  • When using the Manage Files dialog, deleting or renaming files doesn't do anything to the files you have stored in memory. It just executes the appropriate action to Quick Clip's interface to those files e.g. if you have a file called "a.txt" in memory, and you rename it to "b.txt", then clip text in to "b.txt" this will happen: Quick Clip's link to a.txt will be removed, and b.txt will be created and the selection will get clipped into it. Thus, you will have any data prior to renaming a.txt still in a file called a.txt and any new data in a file called b.txt.
  • Quick clip has still not been uploaded to the Maeno Extras repository, so dependecies will still have to be satisfied manually.
For more information, screenshots, etc., check out my blog.

Or directly download it here: Quick Clip 0.2

(thanks Andrew for the FTP account).

GeraldKo 2009-02-20 22:40

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
Haven't played around yet except a quick couple o' clips, but it installed fine and so far seems fine. Thanks again for a really valuable program. (I use it already all the time.)

wazd 2009-02-21 00:19

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
Maybe it would be interesting to you to read this:

BrentDC 2009-02-21 01:14

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by wazd (Post 265993)
Maybe it would be interesting to you to read this:

Yeah, I was thinking of adding some sort of clipboard buffer functionality...but I think that is not Quick Clip's main purpose.

Quick Clip focuses on data retrieval and permanent storage, while that was more advanced clipboard functionality.

Definitely interesting article, though, I'll certainly consider some of the suggestions.

BrentDC 2009-02-21 19:37

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
For those of you wondering why the help document wasn't updated, there's a reason: I'm going to try to integrate the help into hilldon-help, instead of the launchable pdf like now. Not only will this cut down on install size, but it'll allow context-sensitive help to be easily accessible via a little '?' in the upper right of each dialog. I'm just hoping I can get it to work in Python (the documentation is in C)...

This'll be released in the .21 update in a few days.

briand 2009-02-21 22:03

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
...and when might we expect to see it in Maemo Extras (and/or Extras-devel) ? ;)

BrentDC 2009-02-21 22:56

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by briand (Post 266159)
...and when might we expect to see it in Maemo Extras (and/or Extras-devel) ? ;)

Yes, definitely! It is just there are a few roadblocks: Although I have a working Linux computer, it is a 64-bit system, and I can't coax scratchbox to install on it. Do you even need scratchbox to upload to Extras? I don't know, the instructions involve a Linux computer, so I'm assuming it's a prerequisite.

Second route I could go is using Khertan's Py2deb...But I hear you can't use postinst/preinst scripts w/ that, and my program needs those to install properly. There are a lot of questions involving uploading to extras, so I definitely need to do a lot more research (I still don't understand the whole process).

On the plus side I see the "debmaster" position has been filled, so I may have help.

allnameswereout 2009-02-22 12:52

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 266173)
Yes, definitely! It is just there are a few roadblocks: Although I have a working Linux computer, it is a 64-bit system, and I can't coax scratchbox to install on it.

BrentDC 2009-02-22 15:26

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
Thanks for the links allnames! I did a Google search, but not a customized ITt Google search. That second link is *very* helpful; really, thanks a lot!

albright 2009-02-24 00:50

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
this is a great program, almost indispensable

One small thing: I think the icon does not fit into
the style of the other status bar icons. They are all
very plain, geometric designs. Quickclip's color and
"realistic" picture is jarring IMHO.

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