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vladm 2009-02-24 17:11

Maemo Mapper 2.5.3 only works when gpsd is running
I used Maemo Mapper just fine up until a week or so ago having it connect to /dev/pgps. Now, whenever I start it, I see a message "Searching for GPS receiver" which eventually times out. The only way Meamo Mapper is able to connect to internal GPS is if I start GPSD. The settings still point to /dev/pgps, not GPSD, yet Maemo Mapper immediately goes to "Establishing GPS fix" status. I think this change occured after I loaded 2 other forks of Maemo Mapper: QtMapper and Mapper just to try them out.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

fragos 2009-02-24 23:44

Re: Maemo Mapper 2.5.3 only works when gpsd is running
Have you tried removing and reinstalling Maemo Mapper? Map and Maemo Mapper play nice with each other but perhaps these other aps didn't and may have broken Mappers link to the GPS. I show device /dev/pgps and the gpsdriver running with or without Maemo Mapper running.

vladm 2009-02-25 01:29

Re: Maemo Mapper 2.5.3 only works when gpsd is running
Yes, I tried removing and re-installing Maemo Mapper, and even tried earlier versions 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 to no avail. It looks like Maemo Mapper is not getting NMEA response from the gps. The satellite icon comes up briefly on the status bar when Maemo Mapper is started, but goes away shortly after.

fragos 2009-02-25 01:41

Re: Maemo Mapper 2.5.3 only works when gpsd is running
Try some of the advice in the Maemo Mapper HowTo Some configuration files may have been corrupted. I've never seen the GPS icon disapear when running Maemo Mapper.

st5150 2009-02-25 08:30

Re: Maemo Mapper 2.5.3 only works when gpsd is running
vladm, I have the exact same problem and have found no solution. There are many of us out there:

I have tried many things and have since given up on the software.

Anyone know the path to the maemo mapper config file?

vladm 2009-02-27 18:32

Re: Maemo Mapper 2.5.3 only works when gpsd is running
It appears something triggered a permanent change to gpsd from /dev/pgps in both Maemo Mapper and Mapper. Even when settings point to /dev/pgps, Maemo Mapper is trying to access gpsd, and eventually pops up an error when gpsd is not running.
I followed suggestions in George's document on clearing the cache, but it didn't make any difference. Maybe somebody can list all configuration files that Maemo Mapper is using, so we can try fixing it manually?

fragos 2009-02-27 19:42

Re: Maemo Mapper 2.5.3 only works when gpsd is running
Install the Configuration Editor, then apps-> maemo-> maemo-mapper. There is also a /home/user/.maemo-mapper directory with a paths.db file.

st5150 2009-03-08 00:16

Re: Maemo Mapper 2.5.3 only works when gpsd is running
vladm and others, any luck with this problem? I've tried a few things with nothing to show for it on my end.

st5150 2009-03-10 10:17

Re: Maemo Mapper 2.5.3 only works when gpsd is running
Installed the new v2.6.1. Same GPS problem as before. This problem seems to exist across all versions.

itismow 2009-03-11 04:59

Re: Maemo Mapper 2.5.3 only works when gpsd is running

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