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yukop4 2009-03-08 01:09

streamripper help 1.63.5 will not install
keeps saying incompatiable package-same with apt- get in root

any help good

mucho apprecio

jeremiah 2009-03-11 17:52

Re: streamripper help 1.63.5 will not install
I installed that version on my NIT N810 using apt-get install. I even used it to rip a stream and everything appears fine. Can you post more information on your error?

yukop4 2009-03-12 09:59

Re: streamripper help 1.63.5 will not install
i tried the apt get but it says no packages available-could you please give me the command line you used..i tried ....apt-get install streamripper_1.63.5-1maemo0_armel.deb-but no luck

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