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codertimt 2009-03-13 03:14

Looking for a theme...
I managed to screw up my install whilst playing around with Mer and after re-cloning am unable to find the theme that I was using... At least I thought it existed... I think it was pretty much Echo, but with orange accents instead of blue.... Even the 'Fn' symbol was orange...

So am I imagining all this?

Thanks for any help.

ian_ryge 2009-03-13 05:18

Re: Looking for a theme...
You're looking for hildon-theme-ilona. For some reason, it's an invisible package (it doesn't show up in the Application manager), but it's available from one of the built-in repositories.

To install: open X Terminal, gain root, and enter the following:

apt-get install hildon-theme-ilona
Honestly though, I think you'd be better off with one of my themes. ;)

codertimt 2009-03-13 14:28

Re: Looking for a theme...
That is definitely it. Thanks a bunch.

I love the LCARS themes, but don't know if I'm quite enough of a Trekker to use them daily. :)

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