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jayden 2009-04-05 05:13

n800 keeps rebooting after installing easy debian
1. N800+internal SD
2. internal memory card has 4 partitions:
dos, ext2(Clone os), Ext2(debian filesystem), swap
3. untar the debian filesystem tarball to the third partition and then install easy-deb-chroot. did not reboot during the process. i can go into easy debian, then debian chroot to do apt-get update.
4. start os2008 internet browser, it cannot browse any website. reboot N800
5 but N800 cannot boot into the second partition of SD, it can be turned off or boot into flash.

how to fix the problem? since I can boot into flash, there is no problem to modify some files in the second partition of SD.

frviana 2009-04-05 09:49

Re: n800 keeps rebooting after installing easy debian
try removing the SD card and rebooting the device. Mine happened the same after installing Mer. Bad card. Installed on a 2GB one and is fine but when I have the 8GB on it keeps rebooting.

jayden 2009-04-06 15:50

Re: n800 keeps rebooting after installing easy debian
solved the problem by:
1. format the first partiton (since there is not my files in it), and second partition, re-clone os to the second partition
2. edit .chroot
3. reboot
4. run debian
5. use synpatic(?) to install epdfreader (or epdfviewer) and stardict, i can see them in the menu, but i installed evince, it does not appear in the menu, where is it?
another problem is the soft keyboard invoked by (- menu) does not work with internet browser. i have to active it by clicking start-extras(?)-keyboard.

easy debian works so far, thanks to qole.

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