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lcuk 2009-05-16 12:25

sshfs for windows - view maemo device as a windows drive letter :)
i use windows to access and edit the source files stored on my nokia tablet and have set myself up a very nice winscp workflow and do compilation in the console window.
however, what was missing was direct file system access to the data stored on my maemo device.
when i last looked the available sshfs versions for windows were payware and closed source.

Now I have discovered an open source, free version :)

it gives me simple access to my dev folder as an N:\ drive :)

just goto

you need the dokan library and the dokan sshfs

seems to work a treat :)

ps, qole, this information is general to all linux and windows systems, but really helps for my on device maemo dev work - wikify this if it works!

stangri 2009-05-19 00:47

Re: sshfs for windows - view maemo device as a windows drive letter :)
For Mac use MacFuse and the sshfs.

qole 2009-05-19 01:07

Re: sshfs for windows - view maemo device as a windows drive letter :)
I just stumbled across dokan recently too! Did you steal the idea from my delicious page?

I haven't tested it yet, mainly because I have been converting all my computers to Ubuntu as they come due for replacement...

XTC 2009-05-19 11:33

Re: sshfs for windows - view maemo device as a windows drive letter :)
So far so good.
I tried reddrive but it was working bit strange.

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