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GeraldKo 2009-05-30 19:14

Anybody know how to make a Google Custom Search Page?
I've long referred Newbies to, and myself used, this link.

Alternatively, there's this.

But the first link searches only old posts, and the other link is ugly, less user-friendly, and less obvious.

Does anybody know how to create a webpage that lives in the cloud (that is, I have no means to host it myself) and is like the first link (with or without a logo) but has the search encompassed in the other?

('s own search mechanism is far inferior to, or at least different from, the site-specific Google search.)

debernardis 2009-05-30 19:26

Re: Anybody know how to make a Google Custom Search Page?
You can try
or create the search in and host it in

GeraldKo 2009-05-30 19:56

Re: Anybody know how to make a Google Custom Search Page?
Thanks, debernardis. It's not so pretty, but it ain't bad at all, and I got it going.

overfloat 2009-05-30 23:34

Re: Anybody know how to make a Google Custom Search Page?
I agree - the built-in search is rubbish

GeraldKo 2009-05-31 00:36

Re: Anybody know how to make a Google Custom Search Page?

Originally Posted by overfloat (Post 292260)
I agree - the built-in search is rubbish

Then give this a look (and if you think it's worth it for the masses, post something to give it a bump)

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