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cmdowns 2009-06-03 23:13

gnumeric: entering cell values w/out using touch screen
There is already a thread that addresses this issue here: > Talk > OS / Platform > OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo > gnumeric, how to select a cell without using the screen

I posted my question there but recived no reply. I suspect that sub-forum doesn't get as much traffic as this one. I hope nobody minds the repost.

Can someone please point me in the right direction for making this work. I want to accomplish exactly what is specified in this thread's title. I am using an n810 with Diablo. Seems like I need to map F2 to fn + something, and "fn +," would be fine.

The thread I referenced above describes using xmodmap to map a keyboard combination to f2. I don't know anything about xmodmap. I can't seem to figure out how to install xmodmap. The only version I can find is for OS2007. When I attempt to install it, my app manager says it has 'incompatible' packages'.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

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