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ch88xy 2009-06-26 15:55

Anybody pre-ordering Viliv X70?
My N810 is a must-keep, but occsionally I feel the need to do some "office work" on a bigger screen (e.g. when travelling), and have been looking for something between the N8x0 and a regular laptop. Viliv X70 (7") and Touch Book (8.9") both look good; which do you prefer?

Rebski 2009-06-26 16:33

Re: Anybody pre-ordering Viliv X70?
I shall hold back on the Viliv X70 until Windows 7 is out and also to wait for the next gen Intel hardware.

In the meantime I have ordered a SmartQ7 to tide me over and to give me the feel as for how useful a 7" screen is.

Who knows, maybe the Archos 9" tablet will be even more practical?

ch88xy 2009-06-26 17:02

Re: Anybody pre-ordering Viliv X70?
Funny you mentioned Q1: I just put my Samsung Q1P on Ebay. If you must, get a Q1U (my preference would be Q1UP V). Q1 with a 7" screen and 800x480 resolution (Q1U has 1200x600) is not much better than N810--you still need to scroll horizontally. Q1's virtual keyboard takes up half of the screen and is inconvenient when you just want to type a short URL or PW (Q1U's split keyboard should be better). I just ordered a used HP TC1100 to get a feel of a 10.1" screen.

ch88xy 2009-06-26 17:03

Re: Anybody pre-ordering Viliv X70?
Sorry, SmartQ7 looked like Samsung Q1 at a glance.

Rebski 2009-06-26 17:50

Re: Anybody pre-ordering Viliv X70?

Sorry, SmartQ7 looked like Samsung Q1 at a glance.
That's ok, we are only talking about the screen size anyway and the Q1 7" with 800 x 480 resolution is identical to the SmartQ 7.

It will be interesting as to how you find the 10.1" HP.

The beauty of the SmartQ is that it is cheap to experiment with and is designed to run Linux Ubuntu from the outset.

Mine is due to ship around 30th June.

ch88xy 2009-06-26 18:18

Re: Anybody pre-ordering Viliv X70?
After my recent experiment with the Samsung Q1 UMPC, I pretty much ruled out 7" and am now deciding between HP TC1100 (10.1") and Motion Computing's M1400 (12.1")--although I have a feeling that 12.1" may be too big. Newer versions exist in both cases, but I wanted to start with a used unit first. You can get either one used for $300-$350.

johnkzin 2009-06-27 08:09

Re: Anybody pre-ordering Viliv X70?
does the viliv have something other than windows support? Otherwise, the choice is pretty easy.

luso 2009-06-27 09:00

Re: Anybody pre-ordering Viliv X70?
last year I had the same dilemma as you have, I tried several options and I settled for the Clevo TN70M. This is 7" tablet with a keyboard with a tilt screen like the ASUS Eee T91. Since then I never use the N800.
The possibility of using the device as a Netbook (using the keyboard) and as a tablet is amazing, since there are times I need to write a lot (e.g. on train) and i use it as a netbook using the keyboard, and when I am browsing the net, reading the RSS feeds, etc, I close it as a tablet and it is more practical.
The device has the mouse pad and buttons on the side of the screen and this is key to be usable it as a tablet, since it makes live easier using any application.

If I could make a small change would be to have a 9" display. The one I have with 7" (set at 800x600) although it supports 1024x768 but it is difficult to read small text with the higher resolution on the 7" display.
I hardly us the laptop I have at work, since with this device I can do everything, and even use it to do my presentations (has a VGA port). Weights less than 1Kg and fits in my small bag. Runs for 5 hours on batteries.
I would recommend something similar. You can install Ubuntu or Windows. There are newer models on the market now.

attila77 2009-06-27 09:30

Re: Anybody pre-ordering Viliv X70?

Originally Posted by ch88xy (Post 300029)
My N810 is a must-keep, but occsionally I feel the need to do some "office work" on a bigger screen (e.g. when travelling), and have been looking for something between the N8x0 and a regular laptop. Viliv X70 (7") and Touch Book (8.9") both look good; which do you prefer?

Apart from the form factor these are very different machines, so the choice should be easy. If you need windows apps, don't care about the extra 200$ and don't require it to be always-on, x70. OTOH if generic linux apps are good enough for you (and don't mind the occasional NIT style tinkering to get something done), and would like it to be online (im, email) all the time, and care about the 200$, touchbook (with some reservations as it's not actually shipping yet). Personally, I don't have a windows machine so I have no use-case for the viliv (the price difference makes it uninteresting to put linux on it even if possible), but I'm likely the minority in that regard.

Rebski 2009-06-27 10:58

Re: Anybody pre-ordering Viliv X70?

Originally Posted by johnkzin (Post 300281)
does the viliv have something other than windows support? Otherwise, the choice is pretty easy.

The original publicity sheet gave the os as XP/Linux

The most recent info page shows the os as Windows XP Home only

As to whether there is anything significant in the omission remains to be seen, I guess.

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