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coosbaytv 2009-07-07 14:56

Android + - What is the difference?
When it comes down to it, if we are able to eventually run Android from our NITs (via VMWare), is there anything about Android that does things differently or better than 2008 on the n810?

My point being that if 80% + of all this stuff is driven online or in the cloud, isn't it just about getting there with what you already have?

benny1967 2009-07-07 16:23

Re: Android + - What is the difference?
i dont believe in the "cloud", really.

the way you ask your question, it could as well be "what's the difference between maemo and windows" - you know, if everythings in the cloud, why bother?

i asked this community for help a while ago on an android vs. maemo presentation i had at the office. maybe you get some answers in this old thread:

coosbaytv 2009-07-07 16:48

Re: Android + - What is the difference?
@benny1967 Thanks for the feedback and link.

While briefly looking over that thread, it is much more developer oriented than I was referring to. My point is from an end user standpoint.

I have used everything in the past from a Mako Diamond (Psion), Win Mobile, Palm OS, Nokia Symbian, and even a Sharp Zaurus.

All of those devices really did the majority of the same tasks; contacts, appts, docs, and now media playback with web presence.

Outside of that, is there anything about Android and how it works that brings something of value to the table that will make it worth installing and running on our tablets? Or, is it a continuation of the past that is moving into the future?

Bottom line is that there is so little that can be done on a desktop/laptop that can't be done on a mobile device these days.

coosbaytv 2009-07-07 18:16

Re: Android + - What is the difference?
why was this moved?

It is about running Android on an n810! Not some Android, Google device that is native.

bigr3dd0g 2009-07-07 19:03

Re: Android + - What is the difference?
- imap email client for gmail
- a huge app market
- much more touch friendly GUI
- smoother performance
- 3 home screens that support not only widgets but shortcuts as well
- a lot more apps to install

- apps are developed with java..very basic and common programming language as opposed to python

pycage 2009-07-07 19:24

Re: Android + - What is the difference?

- imap email client for gmail
Even a good native GMail app specially for GMail. The default POP/IMAP email client on the other hand is buggy and a bit disappointing.
The GMail app is a Google app and thus only available for Google Android phones, not the N810.


- a huge app market
Again, only Android phones get access to the market, but not the N810.


- much more touch friendly GUI
Indeed. Very optimised for finger-usage on a capacitive touch screen.


- smoother performance
Not on the N810 since Android on the N810 cannot utilize hardware acceleration for Java or graphics, although the device has the hardware.


- 3 home screens that support not only widgets but shortcuts as well
No widget support on the N810 because widgets were introduced with Android 1.5, which has not been successfully ported to the N810 yet. Android 1.0 has some widgets (clock, search, picture frame), but you cannot add more.


- a lot more apps to install
The Android market is not the only place where you can get apps, so this applies to the N810 as well.


- apps are developed with java..very basic and common programming language as opposed to python
Developing for Android is very easy compared to the N810, but you can't simply port applications with user interfaces as Android uses its own totally different user interface toolkit. The UI has to be written from the ground up for Android. On the N810, X or GTK applications run after compiling without much modifications.

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