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dukemagus 2009-07-23 20:32

(HELP!) remapping USB keyboard keys
ok, the title explains the problem but here are the details:

first: i'm a complete noob in linux or programming, so complex solutions can be tricky

i have a nokia n800 and finally managed to attach a USB keyboard on it, but some keys doesn't semms to work well, regardless of the region that i chose in the keyboard config (external bluettooth config on control pannel)

since there's no "standard" way to config it, i think i need to remap the troublesome keys. is there a way for me to change wich character appear when i press a kay (or key combo, like shift + key). since i'm a noob, easier solutions would be welcome.

for instance, i'm brazilian and i'm using a slim ABNT (or ABNT2) keyboard (i'll post some screenshots later if necessary)

well, if the idea can expand itself a little, someone can make a super-simple remapping utility (sonething like key mapping in games: press the key, or key combo, choose wich symbol should appear and confirm it . it can be useful for keyboards and gamepads.)

since now, thanks for the support

dukemagus 2009-07-24 11:16

Re: (HELP!) remapping USB keyboard keys
no help at all?

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