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McLightning 2009-08-04 10:53

Running Mer(Ubuntu) Apps. In Maemo?
hi everybody
i've been using Glade in deblet.And it was possible to run Glade(installed on debian) in maemo.
So what i wanted to do is running glade(installed on mer via ubuntu packages) in maemo.

Why i need to run it in maemo?
because i write codes in pygtkeditor which is a maemo app.
and i need to test these codes under maemo os.

Why i want Mer instead of Debian?
because you know they say the sound problem is fixed in Mer.
So i wanted to use it too.
Also Mer is smaller than debian

im open to any suggestions
please let me know if you have any solution
because i'll start installing debian in an hour which is more stable in my opinion

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