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tim_fenton 2009-08-15 23:10

Getting mobile
Hi All,

I have N800 with OS2008 and I live in the UK

I use my N800 whenever I get a chance but always via WiFi because my cheapo mobile doesn't do Dial Up Networking (DUN) but now I feel I really want that option too...

I have noticed that there are some excellent deals for Pay As You Go internet access via USB modems the size of a memory stick.

My first (probably over-hopeful!) question is: is there a way to hook up one of these USB modems to the N800 via its mini USB port?

Assuming there isn't (because I didn't find any threads on it) is it feasible to buy an old mobile phone which can do DUN and if so which ones work in the UK? BTW I don't know what EDGE/GPRS and various other codes actually mean.

Finally I would want to be able use my N800 when abroad specifically Italy. Is it easy to get a Pay As You Go SIM card in Italy that allows internet access at a decent price?

Hope someone can help...

Cheers, Tim

gogol 2009-08-15 23:38

Re: Getting mobile
Seems as though all pre-paid data plans are total rip-offs. All searching I've done on the topic seems to amount to: not worth it. Usually they are Pay By The MB. And with quite expensive rates. I dont know how it is in the UK, but from what I've read it's the same everywhere.

I've been interested in connecting a USB 'mifi' to the tablet too, I hope someone who knows about this chimes in.

nwerneck 2009-08-16 02:00

Re: Getting mobile
I want to know also, but I believe it will probably need a hub for power.

gogol 2009-08-16 03:00

Re: Getting mobile
Might as well just DUN on a phone then

dukemagus 2009-08-16 03:37

Re: Getting mobile
a 3g unlimited transfer data plan could work... put a 3g modem driver on nit however...

debernardis 2009-08-16 04:27

Re: Getting mobile
Regarding mobile connection in Italy, I have Wind, 4.5GB/month for 30 euros; you can also have 2.5GB for 20 eur or 450MB for 8 eur. Just buy a Wind prepaid sim card and activate your plan. See here (in Italian, sorry):

gazza_d 2009-08-16 08:19

Re: Getting mobile
Just get a 3G phone with bluetooth, and whatever service the network offers. I'm with Three in the UK, and use the 1Gb mobile broadband addon for my phone, and it works very very well I managed to get a free 3G usb modem, but have not managed to get it working, and as another poster has said it will need external power from a powered hub.

With Three you can go PAYG as well for the same deal (1GB/tenner) b ut it expires after 30 days. With Three on PAYG you actually get 150MB internet allowance, which may be enough for the odd update to twitter and etc.

Other networks such as Virgin, T-mobile do PAYG on a daily rate of maybe 50pence/day.

tim_fenton 2009-08-16 10:40

Re: Getting mobile
Thanks for all the replies - great forum!

I had worked out that connecting the NIT to a USB modem stick would probably need a powered hub. The one I have says 5V DC and probably doesn't need a lot of juice so it might be feasible and portable. The main stumbler seems to be the software on the NIT. I saw elsewhere that Ubuntu can run on N800 and that may already have the right code...

My reluctance on doing it via a phone is the number of posts I see saying that "I bought xxxx phone but it didn't work or the provider blocks this type of use"

On the other hand I suppose I would have to buy the same USB modem in Italy or whatever which is probably more expensive than just getting a SIM card and putting it in a mobile.

Anyway I will report back how I get on... probably take me a while though!

lma 2009-08-16 10:41

Re: Getting mobile
See also the wiki for details on various data plans.

tim_fenton 2009-09-03 10:14

Re: Getting mobile
well here i am using my n800 via a nokia 6280 bought (unlocked) from ebay for £50.

I'm using a pay as you go sim under an old tariff called 'everyone' and i had to enable 'web n walk' by texting INTERNET to 34963. i think this is £1 a day but i'll have to check after typing...

paired the device on bluetooth

set the phone to use packet connection when required and here i am!

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