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debernardis 2009-08-22 18:15

Nokia announces agreement with payment network in Italy
Nokia has done a new move, i.e. they associated with Lottomatica, a payment network which is very well disseminated in Italy, for allowing people to pay its services, like turn-by-turn navigation on Ovi maps, or tunes from the music store.

Given that several people still fears for credit card internet payments, or has no credit card at all, this might be profitable for the Finns, in a country like Italy with a high number of mobile phones, and also shows how much they're moving out of hardware and into services.

Translated article here

hyartep 2009-08-22 21:37

Re: Nokia announces agreement with payment network in Italy
i would welcome it too. i don't want to give my credit card number anyone. those numbers are stealed too often.

Texrat 2009-08-22 22:22

Re: Nokia announces agreement with payment network in Italy
The concerns about credit cards are valid, but that doesn't mean third-party pay services are any safer. Paypal and Skype allowed an unsolicitied transaction to hit my bank without any restraint whatsoever, depite the fact that I had (intentionally) not bridged the 2 accounts. Turns out it was a common scam and Paypal had known about it for some time yet failed to implement the proper safeguards (such as transaction approval). Coincidentally, not long after my bank did the right thing and credited me back, Paypal introduced additional layers of security. Imagine that.

ARJWright 2009-08-23 18:10

Re: Nokia announces agreement with payment network in Italy
There was some talk a month or so back about a patent filing from Nokia for a mobile-enabled financial service called Nokia Money. Seems like that shoe might be soon to drop.

hyartep 2009-08-24 12:52

Re: Nokia announces agreement with payment network in Italy

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 314456)
The concerns about credit cards are valid, but that doesn't mean third-party pay services are any safer.

the only way I pay online is via my bank account.

here, where i live "bank pay" is common. it works this way:
  • when purchasing product i am redirected from eshop to my bank, where i confirm my payment
  • i enter secret data only on website of my bank, that I trust
  • bank redirects me back to eshop with secret token, that eshop can use to check payment online

the problem is, that eshop has to be registered at the bank, so it cannot spread worldwide.

Texrat 2009-08-24 14:05

Re: Nokia announces agreement with payment network in Italy
I wish that method were more universal, hyartep

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