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deter3 2009-08-27 18:27

N900 battery life questions, issues, scenarios
I read through all kinds information about N900 today , even the pre-order website but unable to find out any specs talking about N900 talking hours , hours for video and web surfing . This is very normal information and Nokia did not ever mention in any place . Has anybody got information on this ?

Baloo 2009-08-27 18:31

Re: N900 talking hours

Originally Posted by deter3 (Post 316524)
I read through all kinds information about N900 today , even the pre-order website but unable to find out any specs talking about N900 talking hours , hours for video and web surfing . This is very normal information and Nokia did not ever mention in any place . Has anybody got information on this ?

Only published usage hours -

krisse 2009-08-27 18:36

Re: N900 talking hours
It ought to be on this page but it isn't there yet. It's possible they haven't got the final firmware yet so there wouldn't be any firm idea about battery life yet:

luca 2009-08-27 20:16

Re: N900 talking hours
Wait, does anybody really believe battery times as claimed by the manufacturer?

krisse 2009-08-27 20:19

Re: N900 talking hours

Originally Posted by luca (Post 316629)
Wait, does anybody really believe battery times as claimed by the manufacturer?

Well it's virtually impossible to give an exact battery life anyway (battery life varies over the course of many charges, different apps use different amounts of battery, phone signals use a lot more battery when very far from a mast etc etc).

GeneralAntilles 2009-08-27 20:35

Re: N900 talking hours

Originally Posted by krisse (Post 316636)
Well it's virtually impossible to give an exact battery life anyway (battery life varies over the course of many charges, different apps use different amounts of battery, phone signals use a lot more battery when very far from a mast etc etc).

And even more in mobile devices where consumption can vary from practically nothing to a couple of watts and back again over the course of milliseconds.

chilko 2009-08-27 21:46

Re: N900 talking hours
this is from the data sheet

Operating Times
Always online: Up to 2-4 days (TCP/IP connected)
Talk time: Up to 5hrs WCDMA, 9hrs GSM
Active online usage: Up to 1+ day

Baloo 2009-08-27 21:47

Re: N900 talking hours

Originally Posted by chilko (Post 316692)
this is from the data sheet

Operating Times
Always online: Up to 2-4 days (TCP/IP connected)
Talk time: Up to 5hrs WCDMA, 9hrs GSM
Active online usage: Up to 1+ day

Already posted a couple of posts above.


Originally Posted by Baloo (Post 316527)

dannyo 2009-09-08 07:28

N900 battery life
I apologize if this has been discussed already - I searched and did not find anything about this yet.

I was noticing that the battery on the n900, the BL-5J 1320mAh, appears to be a step down from the BP-4L battery in the n810, which has 1500mAh. My n810's battery was always dying, so I'm concerned about all day usage of the n900. I'm hoping that the n900 will use power more efficiently or something. I read that the new TI OMAP 3430 processor speed steps, so that could be an example of how a smaller batter can last longer...

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Matic 2009-09-08 10:01

Re: N900 battery life

Originally Posted by dannyo (Post 323574)
I apologize if this has been discussed already - I searched and did not find anything about this yet.

I was noticing that the battery on the n900, the BL-5J 1320mAh, appears to be a step down from the BP-4L battery in the n810, which has 1500mAh. My n810's battery was always dying, so I'm concerned about all day usage of the n900. I'm hoping that the n900 will use power more efficiently or something. I read that the new TI OMAP 3430 processor speed steps, so that could be an example of how a smaller batter can last longer...

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

My thoughts is to compare it against Iphone 3gs(i know) battery.
Since the 3gs is almost identically hardware wise it should give a good comparison. (
The Iphone 3Gs has a battery with 1219 mAh, a little less than the n900.
I have read in mac forums about this and it seems alot of people manage at least 1 day with normal usage, and some even with high usage. So i hope the n900 with its higher resolution will have about the same battery life.

Just my thoughts.

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