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Architengi 2009-08-31 20:00

Publish apps on Ovi Store for Maemo
I'm interested, as a developer, about how easy will be to publish apps on OVI STORE for maemo?

What will be the price for developers to publish on Ovi Store for Maemo?

What Nokia provides (will provide) as development tools in the package for Ovi Store publishing besides the SDK, what tools?

Can we do the development directly on N900? Or do we need an emulator in Windows?

For a C++ developer, what are (will be) the tools (compiler/debugger) recommended by Nokia or other developers to create an application on Maemo 5?

Do we really need DRM on Maemo to accomplish publishing on OVI STORE? I don't think DRM for apps is needed in Maemo, because Windows does not have one, and DRM will not prevent an app to be hacked.

What frameworks (Java, Python, C++, WRT, Flash, QT, etc) want developers to be approved for OVI STORE?

kdrozd 2009-08-31 20:53

Re: Publish apps on Ovi Store for Maemo
From my observation Nokia will wait with adding Maemo apps to ovi store to next release of Maemo Harmattan. This based on Qt lib.


But this is only my speculation :P

Architengi 2009-08-31 22:54

Re: Publish apps on Ovi Store for Maemo
People already responded in the poll they want to develop applications in Python, Flash, C++, so the question is: will be Python and Flash supported by the SDK and by the OVI STORE for Maemo?

Architengi 2009-09-01 00:08

Re: Publish apps on Ovi Store for Maemo

Originally Posted by kdrozd (Post 319106)
From my observation Nokia will wait with adding Maemo apps to ovi store to next release of Maemo Harmattan. This based on Qt lib.


But this is only my speculation :P

This could not be the case. Because having an app store for Maemo is essential to have the N900 survive on todays ccompetition, where Apple, Google Android, Blackberry, Palm, Samsung, all have app stores. And moreover, Nokia store exists already - OVI Store, Nokia just has to add the Maemo content in there.

Architengi 2009-09-01 01:07

Re: Publish apps on Ovi Store for Maemo
Are any wiki, FAQ or other documentation on how to use C++ on Maemo 5?

Does C++ in Maemo support STL?

Architengi 2009-09-01 07:26

Re: Publish apps on Ovi Store for Maemo
Is there any framework studio for development, sort of Visual Studio which includes visual editor, compiler and debugger?

I found this pages for developers:

nowave7 2009-09-01 08:22

Re: Publish apps on Ovi Store for Maemo

Originally Posted by Architengi (Post 319350)
Is there any framework studio for development, sort of Visual Studio which includes visual editor, compiler and debugger?

I found this pages for developers:

Well there's a complete SDK, that you can download from here:

First you need to install scratchbox, which is cross compilation toolkit, and then you install the Maemo SDK.
As you will soon find out, the SDK is based on standard GNU build tools, such as gcc cross compiler, gdb debugger, build tools, and so on. Basically the stuff you already found.
This is not an IDE, but I assume you can use Eclipse as a way of connecting all these bits and pieces together. I think that there is such a project somewhere...

iskarion 2009-09-01 10:35

Re: Publish apps on Ovi Store for Maemo
In case there will be Ovi store support for the N900, I'm curious, how this will be positioned and implemented compared to the already existing, official Maemo reporitories (Extras...).
Will there just be a new Ovi repository? Or will this replace the Extras repository? Or will Ovi just be some sort of billing infrastructure for paid apps on top of the Extras repository...

Because with Maemo Extras already in place I don't really see the need for an Ovi store.

lma 2009-09-01 10:41

Re: Publish apps on Ovi Store for Maemo
The poll needs a "C" (you know, the language most current Maemo apps are written in) option.

qwerty12 2009-09-01 10:45

Re: Publish apps on Ovi Store for Maemo

Originally Posted by lma (Post 319428)
The poll needs a "C" (you know, the language most current Maemo apps are written in) option.

Yes, agreed, we are not using Harmattan, with Qt, yet. :)

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