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sevla 2009-09-04 14:26

n900 preorder on Nokia USA

If this is a repost please delete. $650 isn't too bad! If tmobile picks it up we can expect $300 sub.

sondjata 2009-09-04 14:49

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
hmmm... I'll have to think on this. The thought of not having to carry my 800,phone and GPS device is very tempting indeed. My bank account will be in jeopardy if it comes out before my birthday. :-)

sevla 2009-09-04 15:06

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
sell the gps/ 800 / phone and you'll have half the money right there :)

jolouis 2009-09-04 16:51

N900 USA Presale
For all you lucky buggers in the US, NokiaUSA is offering presale of the N900.. US retail price $649:

Even includes free shipping and a free Bluetooth headset!

(Anyone in the US feel like putting in a pre-order for those of us in the rest of the world?...)

bdogg64 2009-09-04 17:15

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
I would love to put in a preorder, but its gonna cost me another $50 with taxes on the site. With the phone already being $650 and I won't get it any sooner, I think I'll wait until it hits some online retailers.

ysss 2009-09-04 17:21

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
AND.. the 3G only work with T-Mobile, doesn't it?

bdogg64 2009-09-04 17:26

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 321581)
AND.. the 3G only work with T-Mobile, doesn't it?

Yes, its 3G bands are only compatible with T-Mobile.

ysss 2009-09-04 17:37

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
I wonder why they don't mention it at all in the order page. Bet there are gonna be lots of disappointed people... or.... could it be that Nokia will release a proper quad band for the US afterall?

christexaport 2009-09-04 17:44

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
this device will mainly be used on WiFi unless a carrier is involved, and then, it may be more attractive to buy it from them with a healthy subsidy. Its just like the N810 WiMax Edition.

mykenyc 2009-09-04 17:50

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
im buying it without subsidy as your remember when the mytouch was released tmobile specifically said it will be there star phone "for the year" so i can see this being released next year which i cannot wait for, im to impatient and money comes/goes. Plus i spend probably 200 dollars on McDonalds a month alone lol (no im not fat which is the odd part)

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