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sachin007 2009-09-15 14:52

N900 car mount.
AFAIK the n900 package does not include a car mount. So where is the best place one could get a car mount?

If anyone finds any good car mounts please feel free to post the links here.


Lord Raiden 2009-09-15 17:00

Re: N900 car mount.

If anyone will have one right away, it'll likely be these guys.

di1in 2010-04-02 05:57

Re: N900 car mount.

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 327227)
AFAIK the n900 package does not include a car mount. So where is the best place one could get a car mount?

If anyone finds any good car mounts please feel free to post the links here.


I've posted a review of a n900 car kit here, its from mobilefun.

You can watch the video of the n900 as a carputer here

bockersjv 2010-04-02 10:47

Re: N900 car mount.
There is already a post about car mounts, mods can you merge please

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